News Categories: Lands, Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change

29 Jan
By: Eliab Tanui 1 0


The county government of Nandi has embarked on a thorough inspection of projects all around the county.

This exercise seeks to address several issues, with the main one being; gauging on how many projects have so far been done, how many households have water, and how much work is still needed and which particular locations.

This process is being spearheaded by the department of lands water and Natural resources.

So far the department had already visited 30 impressive projects so far.

Water officers visiting the projects will continue to assess the status of every project and give a report that will inform how the county will reachout to households that do not have water.

Most of these projects are already operational but the few not operating due to a few hitches. Water Committee members have been pointing out the challenges and what they need to be addressed.

Several projects are operational with at least 200 households connected and some even up to 1500 households.

Other sources have the potential of exceeding their current supply and the county plans on improving those projects so that they can supply a larger area.

The projects not currently operational will be completed as soon as possible.

Some of these are due to vandalism which the Chief Officer for water and Natural resources Daniel Sang during the visit requested the Committee to always have security around the pump house and tanks.


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12 Nov
By: Alvine kiprotich 0 0


Kenya Forest Service, Lake Victoria North Water Works Agency, and County Government of Nandi have today visited the Cerengoni forest to assess the piece of land where the Keben Water Development Project is supposed to be constructed.

The proposed Dam site is projected to consume about 70 acres of land inside the forest, something that had made the Kenya Forest Service urged the county government to provide alternative land to be planted trees that will be damaged during construction of the proposed dam.

Speaking at the site, Kenya Forest Service technical chairman Prof Leikong urged the county government to move with speed in allocating the alternative piece of land.

On his part Chief Officer in charge of Lands and Environment, Mr. Solomon Mang’ira assured the technical team that there are already 214 acres set aside by the county government as an alternative land to replace the one offered by that Cerengoni forest.

Mang’ira further reiterated that the Department of Lands, Environment, Water and Natural Resources is committed to ensuring that they planted as many trees as possible on the provided land to replace the ones which will be lost during the construction of the dam.

” We are not only providing the alternative piece of land but also we will make sure that we plant as many as possible trees”, Mang’ira alluded.

On their part, Lake Victoria North Water Works Agency through the Chief Executive Officer Eng, Bundotich, said that they are ready to work with both governments to see the full completion of the dam.


He further added that once the deal between the Kenya, Forest, Service, and the County Government is done, the construction works will commence taking about four years for it to be completed.

According to Bundotich, the dam will host about 3.6 million cubic meters providing 18000 cubic meters daily, serving 12000 and 6000 beneficiaries per day, irrigation, and domestic use respectively.


Kapsabet, Nandi Hills, and Baraton towns are also among beneficiaries.

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11 Sep
By: Alvine kiprotich 1 0


The department of Lands, Environment, Natural, Resources and Climate Change in partnership with Food and Agriculture Organization are in process to develop Nandi County Wetland Management Plan that will focus on challenges facing the wetlands across the county.

This comes at a time when over thirty wetlands across the county is undergoing serious distractions from human activities living around the swamps.

In a meeting that brought together CECM in charge of LENRCC Dr Philemon Bureti , FAO Representatives lead by Husna and stakeholders from various departments ranging from Agriculture, Tourism, Physical Planning, Survey, National Land Commission Water Resource Users Association commonly known as WRUA, several treats to growing of wetlands were discussed and how will be dealt with.

Team from Mandi County together with Members from Food and Agriculture Organization.

Among these challenges that hinders the growth of the swamps are poor laws and enforcement that has ever made the communities living around reluctantly enchroached and destroyed the swamp.

Planting of eucalyptus tress as well as increased agricultural activities are among problems that post major challenges to the growth of swamps and development of Wetland management plan will address this challenge.

Speaking during the meeting Dr Bureti said that there is need to put in place proper laws and enforcement to eliminate all the treats to the wetlands alluding that the department is tirelessly working around the clock to make sure that all these laws and enforcement are put in place. On her part Husna thank the Nandi County for ever commitment and full support in matters land governance and environment.

Dr. Bureti addressing the team on the various ways they can manage the wetlands within the County.

Nandi County Wetland Management Plan will majorly dwell on creating tourism opportunities and restoring ecological habitats and other wildlife’s by discouraging agricultural activities, wildlife hunting and putting in place laws and enforcement.

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04 Apr
By: Joyce Mutai 0 0


In a bid to ensure that community is accessed to clean and adequate water the department of Lands, Environment, Natural Resources, Water and Sanitation (LENRWS),has worked around the clock to see Sirwo, Kungut and Cheboin water projects are brought to their completion.

The CECM Lands, Environment, Natural Resources, Water and Sanitation Dr Philemon Bureti together with Chepkunyuk Member of County Assembly Hon Paul Sanga made round check on the three water projects to ensure that community gets enough water during this time the government is trying to minimize the spread of COVID- 19 virus.

All three water projects are operational at the moment with Siwo serving up to 150 households. This number is expected to go up to serving more than 2000 households of Sirwo location and some parts of Chepkunyuk location upon optimization.

Further, Nduroto, Siwo, Kokomei, Chebilat, Nukiat, St. Teresa and Choimim primary schools are the great beneficiaries of the project. Choimim milk cooling plant and cattle dip also benefit from the same project.

Kungut(Kapkakaron) and Cheboin serves the entire Kapkaron sub location and Taito location at large with more than 100 households and Cheboin location with 70 households respectively.

During this round check the community appreciated the efforts by the county government to ensure as much connectivity as possible to the people of Nandi.

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20 Mar
By: Joyce Mutai 1 2


The Country Government of Nandi received Compressor Machines at the department of water by CECM Lands Environment Natural Resource Water Sanitation Dr Philemon Bureti, Chief Officer Solomon Mang’ira, County Assembly Committee chairman on Lands Environment Natural Resources Robert Kirwa and county water officers.

CECM Lands, Environment, Natural Resources, Water and Sanitation Dr Philemon Bureti addressing the media

Speaking while receiving the machine Dr Bureti expressed great hope of community accessed to water when the compressor commences operating.

“Once the machine is operational will ensure that every resident is connected with water, “Bureti said.
Dr Bureti also dismissed malicious allegations about the price of drilling Riggs together with the compressor putting straight that both machines cost the county a total of 77 million and not 200million alleged in some media platforms.8

CEC further reiterated that the department will soon come up with a strategy on how the machines will be operating in all 30 Wards calling for maximum support from county assembly.

“We will soon draw a plan on how the process of drilling water will be carried out across all 30 Wards. I would like to ask county assembly to give us maximum support so that we may achieve this goal altogether” CEC reiterated.

On his part, Hon Robert Kirwa assured the department of maximum support from the County Assembly alluding that his committee is ready and willing to work with the department.

He also appreciated the work His Excellency the governor is doing to make sure that the community is accessed to clean, adequate and affordable water, sentiments echoed by Chief Officer Solomon Mang’ira.

The drilling Riggs together with the compressor awaits to be launch by the governor after which they start operating across all six sub-counties.

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20 Mar
By: Eliab Tanui 1 2


 The residents of Cheboin in Chepkunyuk ward, Nandi Hills sub-county we’re delighted have piped water reached their place.

They were grateful that water reached their homes after the tank that had been constructed in 2017, did not have water since despite its completion.

The women and men present expressed their happiness and gratitude to the county government of Nandi for bringing the water close to them, something some of them admitted they didn’t know it would have happened so soon.

Cheboin community water project began in 2017 when a tank was built and the source identified. The water was to be sourced from Siret Dam, a few kilometres from where the tank was built.

The County Government of Nandi embarked on laying a pipeline one week ago on a stretch of 3.6km from Siret Dam and it employs gravity to reach the tank.

Water filled the 30 M cubic tank till it overflowed prompting some women to break into song and dance.

Tapped water for residents of Chepkunyuk Ward.

The area MCA Paul Sanga expressed gratitude towards the government for giving his people water.

He said the residents won’t be trekking long distances for water and they will soon embark on connecting households with the water. 300 households are expected to be connected.

The government of Nandi is committed to delivering water to its people by developing new projects and sorting stalled projects.

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12 Mar
By: Eliab Tanui 0 0


Lake Victoria North Water Works Development officials visited the county water offices to know the status of Ratinwet – Chemundu project, in Chemundu sub County. The officers were conducting a visibility study and a detailed survey of the said project.
Ratinwet – Chemundu Community Water source is located in Chemundu, 100metres from the tarmac road. The land was donated by the family who initially owned the land for development of the project. The project will serve institutions and house holds around which include the county commissioner’s office, Chemundu polytechnic, Chemundu High school and primary. A tank will be built at the commissioner’s office as its the highest point and water will be pumped using solar energy.
The officials met county water director Richard Lelei and Chemundu water engineer where they deliberated on how the project will be done with each giving views that will ensure a project that will serve Chemundu residents. The officials later visited the water source which produces 5m cubic of water per hour.

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05 Mar
By: Walter Sicho 0 0


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has expressed the willingness to deepen the cooperation with the County Government of Nandi in accelerating development programmes.

FAO representative to Kenya Dr. Tobias Takavarasha, disclosed this when he led national officials on a one day visit to Nandi County.

This was enable them assess the development progress and impact of the Land Governance Programme in Nandi County among other programmes supported by FAO.

The Land Governance Programme is being implemented by FAO in partnership with the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, the National Land Commission (NLC), the National Government and beneficiary County Government’s which include Nandi County funded by the European Union.

While officially receiving the delegation in the County, Deputy Governor Dr. Yulita Mitei, appreciated the partnership Nandi County has enjoyed with FAO in various areas of development and warmly welcomed further cooperation.

Dr. Yulita was particular with the support FAO has offered the County administration in the development of a Geo-spatial Information System (GIS) laboratory that supports the County Government in digitization of records related to land and has greatly influenced in decision making and policy formulation.

Since its launch on  May 18 2019, the GIS laboratory has enabled the user departments develop digital data register, which supports better decision making, planning, implementation and monitoring of development projects.

this has driven key interest in land administration, agriculture, natural resources, planning policy and capacity development.

FAO President who was accompanied by Council of Governors representative Ms. Eve Sawe lauded the county administration for adopting the GIS technology and leveraging the facility on prompt decision making in order to ensure effective service delivery.

The visit presented a unique opportunity for the County Government to connect with FAO and establish viable partnerships and support to the County Government on innovations and technology in Food and Agriculture sectors, with Nandi County seen as a potential food basket to help deliver the President’s Big Four Agenda on Food Security.

The team would later visit Kaimosi Agricultural Training Centre ATC where the County Government has partnered with FAO in setting up of a Milk Processing Incubator for Training purposes.

At Kaimosi ATC Mrs. Truphena Jepketer, a beneficiary of the programme gave a testimonial of how the facility has positively imparted her life and that of other women in the society.

“We are indeed grateful to the County Government and FAO for having facilitated our learning on, among other skills, the art of my milk value addition. We can now process Yogurt and Cheese among other milk end products right here in Kaimosi.” said Mrs. Truphena.

The delegation concluded their tour of Nandi by visiting Sireet OEP Tea factory in Nandi Hills for a fact finding mission where they were hosted for an informal lunch meeting by factory Board led by the Chairman. Their discussions centered on ways to strike a working partnership and working together to mutual benefit, particularly to assist smallholder tea farmers diversify, create alternative source of livelihoods and improve on their nutrition.

“A partnership between FAO and Sireet OEP will be an opportunity to work together in a new way,” said Dr Tobias. “Working together with you through FAO is all in our interests and most importantly it will help lead us to defeating mul-nutrition and poverty in this region,” he added.

CECM for Lands, Environment, Water, Natural Resource and Climate Change Dr. Philemon Bureti who accompanied the team appreciated the gesture by FAO to continue supporting and complimenting the county Government initiatives. He reiterated remarks by the Deputy Governor saying that the adoption of the GIS technologies in Nandi brings a lot of transformational data that influences service delivery.

Accordingly to FAO’s representative in Nandi Ms. Linda Achieng, the overall objective of the programme is to improve Food and Nutrition security through equitable and secure access and management of land for better livelihoods and socio-economic development.

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24 Feb
By: Eliab Tanui 0 1


 Trust Fund in collaboration with The County Government of Nandi have partnered so as to help schools within the county in improving health and  sanitation standards.

Both parties have selected various schools that they will build toilets as well as set up water taps and tanks within the schools.

 The body has set up water projects at Lelmokwo, Cheptil, Kimngoror, Kobujoi and Kimatkei and toilets will be constructed in selected institutions around these areas.

Chief Officer for water and Natural resources Sally Kemboi, director Richard Lelei and Trust fund’s County representative  Erick Koech, were present as the contractors signed their contracts.

Chief officer to Water Sally Kemboi addressing representatives from the Trust Funds.

Three contracts for Cheptil, Kimngoror and kobujoi were signed to the remaining two will be signed next week. Kobujoi will have two schools benefiting as kobujoi primary will have a 5 door toilet constructed and Resio primary school a 14 door toilet block.

In Cheptil, Kapsato primary school will get a 3 door toilet block. Kimngoror on the other hand will have 2 schools, Bishop Muge Memorial will have  an 18 door toilet block with Kimngoror primary getting a 2 door toilet.
The construction is expected to be complete within 3 months.

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07 Feb
By: Eliab Tanui 0 0


Water for everyone continues to be a driving force for the county government of Nandi.

The government has partnered with several institutions and donors to bring water close to the Nandi residents.

Lands, water and Natural resources CECM attended a pre tender site visit by contractors in Nandi Hills, Nandi hills subcounty.

The project NandiHills water supply is funded by African Development Bank to a tune of 600 million shillings. The project which will be rehabilitation of Taito dam involves building gabbions on source, construction of treatment works and construction of staff quarters.

Construction works will also kick off at Mogong River, Nandi hills subcounty. The works include weir, installation of a pump house and treatment works and rising main. It will also be equipped with 3 tanks one with 1000 m cubic, 500m cubic and 250mcubic.

CECM Dr. Buretti addresses contractors and Nandi Hills residents.

The distribution network is expected to serve Nandi Hills Town, Samoei, Kabikwen, Sinendet, Kosoiywo and Kipsamoo.

The CECM urged the contractors to do their work honestly and perfectly as this was for the good of the Nandi Hills people.

He also urged them to complete the works at the stipulated time. The project is expected to be complete in a few months.

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