Cooperative Development

Cooperative Development

Cooperative enterprises are based on ethics, values and a set of seven fundamental principles that keep people, rather than profit, at the center of their business. Cooperatives can be a self-help tool for people to create their own economic opportunities through the power of the collective and pull themselves out of poverty. They re-invest in the communities, in which they operate, securing not only the livelihood of their members but also increasing the wealth of the community as a whole.

The 2017 international cooperative day focused on inclusion under the theme “cooperative ensures no one is left behind “which compliments the priority theme of the 2017 high level political forum in UN Headquarters in New York for

sustainable development eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in the changing world.

Cooperative model provides a solution of income inequality for it contains aspects of sustainable at its core and is based on ethical values and principles. The open membership model offers access to wealth creation and poverty reduction because cooperative are people centered, they do not perpetrate, nor accelerate capital concentration and they distribute wealth in a more fair way.

H.E the Governor Nandi County leads from the front and wants to drive the economy of the county through cooperatives. Top of his priority is to construct a milk processing plant through Nandi County Dairy cooperative union. This will not only improve milk prices for the farmers but also create wealth through employment opportunities and various business that follows the industry.   Maize mill is next on the queue. This will not only add value to maize activity in the county but its by-products will form part of the materials for animals’ feeds.

Since co-operative follows where activities are,   other agricultural activities, co-operative thrives include: – coffee, sugarcane, Tea and urban Sacco’s which caters for the salaried community

Co-operative movement currently have posted a combined turnover of Kshs 1.2 billion, share capital of Kshs 1.9 billion and membership of 65 000 approximately. This excludes the country wide urban Sacco’s e.g. Ukulima, Shirika, Magereza ,Police, Stima  etc who are working in the county.

The vision 2030 agenda for sustainable development is well underway and cooperative business model remain one of the best kept secrets in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) tool box and ensure no one is left behind