News Detail

Joyce Mutai April 4, 2020


In a bid to ensure that community is accessed to clean and adequate water the department of Lands, Environment, Natural Resources, Water and Sanitation (LENRWS),has worked around the clock to see Sirwo, Kungut and Cheboin water projects are brought to their completion.

The CECM Lands, Environment, Natural Resources, Water and Sanitation Dr Philemon Bureti together with Chepkunyuk Member of County Assembly Hon Paul Sanga made round check on the three water projects to ensure that community gets enough water during this time the government is trying to minimize the spread of COVID- 19 virus.

All three water projects are operational at the moment with Siwo serving up to 150 households. This number is expected to go up to serving more than 2000 households of Sirwo location and some parts of Chepkunyuk location upon optimization.

Further, Nduroto, Siwo, Kokomei, Chebilat, Nukiat, St. Teresa and Choimim primary schools are the great beneficiaries of the project. Choimim milk cooling plant and cattle dip also benefit from the same project.

Kungut(Kapkakaron) and Cheboin serves the entire Kapkaron sub location and Taito location at large with more than 100 households and Cheboin location with 70 households respectively.

During this round check the community appreciated the efforts by the county government to ensure as much connectivity as possible to the people of Nandi.

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