News Categories: Lands, Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change

14 Aug
By: Remmy Butia 1 0

Nandi Hills set to benefit from a water project as African Development Bank (ADB) partners with the county government

The County Government of Nandi, through donor funding from African Development Bank (ADB), has initiated a water project at a cost of Ksh 600M to end the acute water scarcity in Nandi Hills hospital, dispensaries, schools and homesteads in the region under the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program for Nandi Hills Water Supply and Sanitation program. The Project will be expedited and roll out for pre bidding, designing and building works will begin soon.  

CECM Lands Mr. Jacob Tanui, CECM Trade Dr Kiplimo Lagat and Nandi Hills MCA Gideon Koech addressing residents of Sinendet Shopping Centre, Nandi Hills ward.

During a site visit exercise, the CECM in charge of Lands, Environment, Water and Natural Resources Mr. Jacob Tanui, his counterpart for Trade, Investment and Industrialization Dr. Kiplimo Araap Lagat together with Member of County Assembly representing Nandi Hills visited Mokon River where the extraction of piped water will be done before being treated next to Nandi hills forest.

Starting next month, water reserve tanks with a capacity of 1Million liters will be strategically erected at Kosoiywa Secondary School to benefit residents of Nandi Hills and its environs by the use of gravity before another tank is set near George Mutai academy.

Related story: 

Mr. Tanui noted that once the project is completed, the residents of Nandi hills will enjoy piped water in their homes but they will have to pay bills monthly at a fair cost

as soon as the project starts rolling.

A section of Mokon River.

On his part, the CECM Trade Dr. Lagat said that this is one of the flagship projects that will ensure regular supply of clean water to schools, hospitals and homesteads of Nandi Hills residents. He requested the residents to cooperate with the contractor as soon as the laying of pipes commence.

Kosoiywa secondary school was identified as the most ideal position to host the largest reserve tank because of its high altitude that will ensure residents first benefit from the force of gravity before pumping using electricity when the water levels are low.

Kosoywa Secondary School where the 1Million litters tank will be erected

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10 Aug
By: Remmy Butia 0 0

Nandi County celebrates The International Youth Week as opportunities for the youth are unveiled by Governor Stephen Sang

Unemployment is an alarming challenge that has seen educated youth waste away in so many struggles due to the limited job opportunities. The annual graduations that are highly celebrated, be they certificates, diplomas or degrees carry a lot of joy for excellence only for them to mutate into anxiety and restlessness soon after due to the limited job market. Youth end up taking any available opportunities to make ends meet.
The County Government of Nandi through various departments is intentional in addressing the challenges facing the youth in Nandi County.
As the International Youth Week comes to wrap up, the county government is set to unbundle the opportunities that seek to improve the state of the youthful population. The Department of Public Service has unveiled 400 internship opportunities for the youth across the county. This is in line with Governor Stephen Sang’s manifesto that pledged to create internship opportunities for the youth so as to enable them acquire the necessary skills and experience as they enhance their professional growth.

The opportunities that do not require any past working experience is open to any youth with a certificate, diploma or degree from a reputable institution. This will ensure that skilled and deserving youth who may not have had an opportunity to work after their schooling get a chance to work and acquire the required experience as they also serve Nandi County. The interns will be paid a stipend of between Ksh. 8,000 and Ksh. 12,000. Applications can be done through <a href=””/> .

The Department of Education on the other has also opened opportunities for 800 ECD teachers whose successful applicants will have an opportunity to serve for at least three years. The opportunities are spread across all wards in the county as listed in the advert here

Among other opportunities set for the youth on this day include enhancement of the 30% Access to Government Procurement Opportunities. Most youth with start-up companies lack capital even after winning the tenders thus affecting the quality of works done. In a bid to bridge this gap, the county government is set to sign an MoU with Youth Enterprise Development Fund so as to increase the uptake of tenders by youths in the various county departments, and linking up with institutions that provide youth friendly loans for LPOs and LSOs.

On to top of this, the county government is heading towards Performance Based Contracting that enable the youth organize themselves and benefit from the County Government’s funds for maintenance of roads in each ward by performing tasks such as bush clearing, drainage opening, installing culverts etc. Contracts under this program will run for a period not less than 1 year and not more than 3 years.The youth has a role in protecting the environment.

The Department of Youth in conjunction with that of Environment is set to offer youth opportunities to benefit from being engaged in planting trees, establish nurseries and supply the seedlings to the county government under an agreed framework.

Among other programs are entrepreneurial training and start-up support, sponsorship for training and acquisition of technical skills and opportunities for scholarships and sponsorship’s based on talent where the county government will identify, exploit and support in the development of youth talent while engaging stakeholders who can extend scholarship opportunities for such talents.

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02 Aug
By: Remmy Butia 0 0

Nandi County Climate Change Action Plan Launched

The County Government of Nandi has prioritized environmental conservation as it seeks to contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement that is within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The County Government of Nandi through the Department of Lands and Natural Resources has initiated a partnership with Green Belt Movement (GBM) an indigenous grassroots NGO based in Nairobi that takes a holistic approach to development by focusing on environmental conservation, community development and capacity building) on Climate Change Action plan for the County.

Climate Change Action plan is an Act of 2016 and the National Adaptation Plan of Kenya 2015-2016 that it requires county governments to integrate and mainstream change actions, interventions and duties into County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).

While officiating the Nandi County’s Climate Change Action Plan, Deputy Governor Dr. Yulita Mitei said that the County has experienced negative impact of climate change in the past 3 months  as from  April and we have  had  land and   mud slides  in most parts of Tindiret  and Aldai Sub Counties  that has resulted in displacement  of populations and destruction  of  Road Networks   in most parts of the County.

“Nandi  County  Government appreciates  the Green Belt Movement  and all other stake holders for the  great efforts and Resources  which have  been  invested  to make the entire  process  successful ,we also  appreciate  the 150,000  indigenous tree seedlings  which were planted  this year in North Nandi Forest  – Septonok “, She Said.

According to the Chief Officer for Lands  Environment  and  Natural Resources  Samson Mangira  the Climate  Action Plan  for the county   will enhance synergies  between adaptation  and   actions  in order  to attain  a low  carbon  climate  resilient economy.“The growing of tree nursery seedlings for the county is the initiative for the   conservation of the environment ‘’, Mr.  Mangira said.

Nguyo Karuri the Board member Green Belt Movement said that their partnership is to emphasize on the roles of climate change action plan not only for Nandi but the entire country.

The process has been conclusive, with all stakeholders on board.


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10 Jul
By: Remmy Butia 0 0

Hearings on Historical Lands Injustice begin

National Land Commission will conduct a 4 day Historical Land Injustice session at A. I. C Bible College beginning today at 10.00 Am.

The team comprising of 4 commissioners led by Dr. Tororei will be hearing specific summons for each claimant group and so far NLC has received over 20 claims.

CECM Lands, Environment Natural Resources and Climate Change, Jacob Tanui has emphasized on the County’s commitment to ensure that law is followed to the later for justice to prevail.

“This is a follow up of cases that were heard during the mentions held in May. Over 20 teams have submitted their claims and they include Talai Community, Nandi royal trust, Tanzania returnees among others. County legal team have adequately prepared the claimants including recording the audio visual statements in preparation for the hearings.” He added.

New claims have also been received by NLC and they include Kibochi-Kibabet squatters against Kibabet tea estate A. I. C Kapkoi Sisal secondary School who are the claimants and Marana that church as the respondents.
NLC will then give a recommendation redress on suitable actions to be undertaken to assist the victims.


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03 Jul
By: Remmy Butia 0 0

JAICA Team Visits Nandi

Japan International Cooperation in Africa has visited Nandi with an aim of reviewing and analysing Non-Revenue – Water control projects.

The team led by Masayuki Fujii, a project manager were keen on checking service connections for both domestic and commercial users, operational meters, water source and treatment works.

Acting Managing Director KANAWASCO, Mr. Kiboi thanked the team for the visit as this shows the commitment that they have in ensuring that control of Non-Revenue Water control is achieved. ” With proper equipment we will be able to know water loss that occurs through bursts and unauthorized connections” he added.

The team visited Singorwa village that are among the beneficiaries and Kapsabet Water Supply.

The Non – Revenue – Water Control projects were funded by JAICA to Kapsabet Nandi Water and Sanitation Company (KANAWASCO) in 2012.


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