Finance and Economic Planning

Finance and Economic Planning

CPA, Alfred Lagat (33)

Hon. Alfred Lagat is Bachelor of Commerce Graduate (Finance) and a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya.

He has a wide a knowledge and experience in banking and tax matters. He is also a trainer in Public Finance Management with emphasis on PFM Act 2012.

He worked as a Senior Associate in Deloitte and Touche. He has also worked as an assistant Finance Manager at Diamond Trust Bank. He also served as the lead consultant in Tullow Consulting Ltd.

Lagat has also served in the office of the Auditor General, Controller of Budget and other counties in matters finance.

The Finance and Economic Planning Sector is charged with the responsibility of ensuring prudent financial management of financial resources, formulating fiscal economic and fiscal policies to facilitate socio –economic development, resource mobilization and control of public financial resources. The sub sectors in the sector are namely: Revenue; Economic Planning; Budget; Accounting and Internal Audit.

Nandi County has adopted and currently using Medium Term Expenditure Framework in its budgeting. Budgeting based on MTEF has improved the efficiency of utilization of resources with regard to programs within the Finance and Economic Planning sector. Budget & Expenditure department has reformed the structure of the budget including the classification.

The IFMIS system has been fully implemented and e-payment system is fully operational in the county. County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) is being developed and mainstreaming of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in CIDP has been factored in.

Revenue services have been devolved to all sub counties as we aim to increase our collection to meet our annual set targets.

In the first quarter of the 2017- 18 F/Y county government of Nandi was named as one of the counties that hit their targets in revenue collection, a move that earned us an additional of fund the commission of revenue allocation.  

Sector Working Groups (SWGs) were constituted and are operational, Finance and economic planning sector has been monitoring budget implementation in the county.

The sector continues to play a critical role in management and control of public finances and in creation of enabling economic environment for rapid economic growth and development of the county.

We have inaugurated the first County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF) which brings together stake holders from across our Social, Political and Economic divides as required by law under section 137 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012


To provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization and management for quality public service delivery


A center of excellence in public finance management and development planning


    • Transparency and Accountability – The department will conduct its business in a transparent and accountable manner.
    • Customer Approach – The department is committed to uphold customer driven and customer focused service delivery.
    • Participatory Approach – the department is committed to consultative and a;ll inclusive planning and budgeting process.



    • Honest and Integrity – The department will promote openness, uprightness and reliability while executing its mandate.
    • Professionalism – All staff shall uphold the highest standards of professional competency and integrity.
    • Efficiency and Effectiveness – The department will promote prudent use of county resources geared towards high productivity.


The goals of the sector are to:

    • Promote prudent resource management;
    • Promote evidence based planning and budgeting
    • Formulate and implement policy guidelines for economic growth and development;
    • Promote resource mobilization;
    • Coordinate implementation of development policies and programmes; and
    • Monitor and evaluate development programmes and activities.