Administration, Public Service and ICT

Administration, Public Service and ICT

We  seek to be the leading  department in management  of county resources and efficient   delivery of services in the county , we aim to facilitate, cordinate  and empower the county workforce to ensure timely and efficient delivery of services  to the people of Nandi County

In line  with Governor Stephen Sangs’ Vision  of Ensuring proper working conditions for public  servants the department is in close consultation with the  County Public Service Board and the Finance Department as we seeks to better the welfare  of Nandi County workforce.

We seek to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of public service and adminstration, spearhead management and development of human resources in public service.

We are also in the process of undertaking a comprehensinve restructuring to ensure that the adminidtration andpublic service function effectively by utilization of avalable human resourcein the public service through in-service raining programmes, research, innovations, rewards and best practice human resource management development and administrative initiatives. All these shall be done in consideration of the stipulated financial laws, regulations, instructions and accounting procedures.

It is important to note that the county has repaired and maintained over 50 stalled vehicles including ambulances, plant machines, tractors, exhausters and fire engines. The fuel consumption has drastically been reduced by 60% from Ksh. 10 million to Ksh. 4 million per month.