Trade, Tourism, Industrialization & Enterprise Development

Trade, Tourism, Industrialization & Enterprise Development

Nandi County distinguishes itself as a wealthy, prosperous, progressive, secure and nationally competitive county to live, work and invests in. Our aim is to make the county an attractive site and hotbed for investment of a global nature. Through this department, the county seeks to promote trade, facilitate investment and promote manufacturing and industrialization; a key agenda amongst the Presidents Big Four agenda.

Given its catalytic effect to sustain inclusive growth and huge potential for job creation and poverty eradication, the department will leverage on the current political goodwill coupled with existing policy and legal framework to achieve the set objectives. Strategic efforts has be made to utilize the qualified, dedicated and vibrant staff in the realization of the governor’s agenda.

The department has six sub-sectors that carry out various programs. These are:

  • Trade Development
  • Investment
  • Industrialization
  • Enterprise Development
  • Weights and Measures
  • Trade licensing, control and regulation.


Brief description of each sub-sector;


Promoting trade within the county is our first and core mandate as the department through development of wholesale and retail trade, establishing and managing of markets and facilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and large enterprises to improve trade that promotes wealth and employment creation. Creating an enabling environment for traders and entrepreneurs by improving ease of doing business is what we seek to achieve.



The county is well endowed with favorable business friendly environment thanks to the extensive regulatory policies and measures formulated by the County Government aimed at boosting ease of doing business. This is supported by good investment climate that advances productive private investment engine for business growth and poverty reduction. We will be operationalizing the already signed MOUs with various partners and stakeholders as we strive to add value to the readily available raw materials as there exists a market for the products courtesy of the county being a member of two regional blocs.

The department is also interested in tapping diaspora skills and investment. The diaspora liaison office is responsible for mapping diaspora members from Nandi County and providing information on investment opportunities available in the county. All this is in aim of increasing remittances from abroad and handling affairs of diaspora residents.



Nandi County strives to lead in agro-processing in Kenya, having been identified with her rich production in tea and coffee. Our goal is to promote economic development and establish effective linkages between stakeholders for industrial development through a value addition strategy and providing attractive and comprehensive package of incentives to potential and willing investors.



We are working to strengthen entrepreneurial skills through capacity building and training that foster adoption of new entrepreneurial ideas.  The emergence of common interest groups and Chamas (table banking) has really promoted the growth of SMEs and brought the need to develop business incubation centers. We will focus on the existence of skillful youthful population and provide loans for them to set up cottage industries and pursue other entrepreneurial activities.



The issue of unhealthy competition and dubious business practices by some traders poses a threat to the development of trade in the county. Traders within the county suffer escalating cases of unfair trade from other unscrupulous traders who are stealing from them by use of faulty weighing scales. Through the Weights and Measures sub-sector, the department seeks to facilitate fair trade by ensuring use of accurate weighing and measuring equipment, encourage fair business practices and protecting the consumer against exploitation in the sale of goods and services.



Some of the emerging issue include rise of betting, gaming and lotteries, coupled up with increasing abuse of alcoholism, drugs and substance abuse, which informed the introduction of this sub-sector to handle its control and formulation of bills that guide on the same.


To create a socially stable and business-friendly environment that will attract both local and foreign investors seek wealth creating opportunities in Nandi County.


To be the first choice of investment destination and most preferred address of any new business ventures.  


To realize the goal of creating opportunities for improved income generation and livelihood, the department seeks to achieve these set objectives;

  • To promote and facilitate Trade, Investment and Commerce in Nandi County
  • To promote business development in micro, small and medium enterprises
  • To enhance public private partnership and linkages with other agencies


  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Team spirit
  • Trust
  • Resourcefulness
  • Continuous Improvements

Jacob is an Entrepreneur, Trainer, Motivational Speaker and a Counselor. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics, Computer and Physics from JKUAT. Jacob has over ten years’ experience in the Banking sector, having worked in Co-operative Bank, Branch Manager K-Rep Bank and Business Growth Development Manager Equity Bank. He was instrumental in setting up Credit Administration Departments both in K-Rep Bank and streamlining Credit Processes at Co-operative Bank. Mr. Tanui is married with three children and hails from Mosop Sub-County.

After our swearing in on the 24th, October 2017, we have all hit the ground running, taking immediate steps that ultimately will deliver the Transformation Agenda envisaged by Governor Stephen Sang’s Manifesto. The Department has advanced a proactive agenda focused on key intervention areas, while also solving problems and providing strong leadership on urgent and emerging issues in the department.

Our high priority areas include trade development for regional and export markets, enterprise development among the youth, women and people living with disabilities (PLWD) and investment in Special Economic Zones. We are motivated by the urgent need for inclusive development policy to ensure that vulnerable and poor groups, especially young people and women, benefit from our transformational agenda.

Efforts have been directed towards formulation and implementation of policies and legislations that favor long term inclusive development in Nandi County.

In collaboration with the departments responsible for Youth, Women and PLWD, Finance, Health, Roads and Administration among others, we have developed an enterprise development training manual. We are targeting to train over 5000 youth, women and PLWD to enable them register companies and engage in various business opportunities in and out of our County.

We are also developing a Performance Based Contracting policy which will ensure that labor based contractual opportunities are devolved and restricted to level registered companies.