Ongoing support is needed for health workers in the frontline of service delivery to perform to their full potential and deliver quality patient care.
The County Health Management Team (CHMT) on Monday embarked on a two weeks Support Supervision exercise with the three teams targeting the six sub county facilities and level 4 Hospitals.
The supervision exercise is an excellent opportunity to provide further training to improve performance and to solve other systemic problems that contribute to poor quality of care.
One of the cornerstones of the supportive supervision is to work with health staff to set goals, monitor performance, identify and correct problems and proactively improve service quality.
The Health Management Teams and health workers identify shortcomings in the field and directly work on it, thus avoiding the bad practices become habits. The supervision visits are also an opportunity to encourage good practices and help health workers to maintain high quality delivery.
The support supervision encourages a collaborative approach to strengthen the health system in Nandi and to improve the quality of services. It is an effective tool for improving performances.
Action plans will be jointly crafted at the end of the supervisory visits, and will be followed up in the subsequent supervisory visits to ensure continuity and implementation of the recommendations.
Plans are in place to support the Sub County Health Management Teams (SCHMT) to undertake their sub county support supervision.
Supportive supervision promotes the sustainable management and efficient use of resources by encouraging communication, as well as planning and monitoring results.