News Categories: Trade, Tourism, Investment & Industrialization

12 Mar
By: wpchat user 0 0


The County Government of Nandi through the department of Trade, Investment and Industrialization is working towards ensuring that the Traders and Entrepreneurs within the county are being sensitized on the regulations of selling and supplying alcoholic drinks.

The department held a sensitization meeting at Mosoriot in Chesumei Sub-County whereby they educated the Traders on ways of adhering to norms and regulations stipulated on selling and distributing alcoholic drinks.

The CECM for Trade, Investment and Industrialization Jacob Tanui told the Mosoriot Business Community that it’s the county mandate to protect and ensure that their businesses do run well as well as adhere to the code of conduct of selling alcoholic drinks.

“Our principal mandate as a department is to protect the business community, we urge you to cling to the code of conduct governing the sell and distribution of Alcoholic drinks,” said Tanui.

Tanui further asked them to clasp to the covid-19 protocols to avoid suspension of the business permits as well as the closure of their business premises.

Also in attendance was NACADA’s officer Scola Komen; who urged the business community to be Keen on whom they are selling alcoholic drinks.

This is after studies showed that children below the age of 18 are consuming alcohol more than people at the age of 18 and above.

“NACADA’s main objectives is to ensure proper and regulations of Alcoholic drinks and Drugs such as cigarettes are not sold to the persons below the age of 18,” she said.

#Execessive consumptions of Alcohol is harmful to your health.

#Tuga Tai transforming Nandi County.

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19 Feb
By: Stanley Magut 0 0


Traders at Kobujoi on Friday last week were elated following the official launch of Kobujoi ESP Market by H.E. the Governor Stephen Sang. Completion works for the project began in 2018 and is now ready for use.
The market was built under the Kenya Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) by the National Government in 2010. However, the ESP programme elapsed before the market was completed.
The County Government of Nandi, through the Department of Trade, Investment and Industrialization therefore undertook the completion of works for the Fresh Produce Market. This project facilitates traders to sell their wares in a clean, safe and a conducive environment. The market is up to modern standards with proper market amenities.

The location of the market is ideal and is serviced by a well maintained road network. It is the biggest market in Aldai subcounty and serves a huge population and brings together traders from the neighbouring Kisumu and Vihiga Counties.

Speaking during the launch, the Governor reiterated his commitment to ensure economic growth of the county through provision of market infrastructure as part of his agenda to map Nandi as an investment destination in the region.

Traders and residents at large welcomed the project as it will spur trade activities in the area.

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24 Feb
By: Hillary Kiplagat 0 1


County Government of Nandi, through the Department of  of Trade Investment and Industrialization opened the Lessos Market that will help in creating job opportunities and uplifting living standards of people living at the O’lessos and Lelwak Wards.

Governor Stephen Sang who launched and opened up the new market stated that the market will help in growth of urban centers so as to spur economic growth.

“I am glad that  we have opened up Lessos market which will provide economic opportunities in the region.We are still uplifting facilities at the market including ongoing construction of market stalls,” said Sang.

Governor Sang officially opens Lessos together with Trade CECM Jacob Tanui.

Sang urged the residents to make good use of Lessos market so as  to improve their livelihood. He pointed out that in the current world, business is the greatest employer and this can be achieved through self-employment.

He urged both the young and women to us the opportunity in improving their life standards. He asked the residents to come up with ways they can put the market area to use on a daily basis instead of waiting to use it only on market days.

Governor Sang and CECM Trade Tanui buying goods at the newly opened Market.

CECM for Trade, Investment and Industrialization Jacob Tanui, thanked the governor for supporting the establishment of Lessos market.

CECM Trade, Investment and Infrastructure Jacob Tanui accompanying the Governor during the launch.

He promised that the government, through his department will construct a modern ablution facility for the market as well as take care of waste management within the market.



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31 Jan
By: Hillary Kiplagat 0 0

Ol’lessos Center To Have New Open-air Market By End of February

Members from the Olessos Traders association visited the county’s Trade office to plan ways in improving businesses in the area as well as plan on the opening of the new market within the area.

Joseph Keter chairperson of the Traders association, addressed various issues affecting the business persons within the area and would love the county to look into the matter.

Committee members from Olessos Traders Association paying a courtesy call to Director of Trade Phelisters Maiyo

Keter who paid a courtesy call to  Philister Maiyo Director to Trade, informed her that they wished the county to look into creating business opportunities as well as mentorship programme for both the youth and women in various business activities that increase their niche.

Maiyo promised the members that she will look into the matters being raised and that the department will look forward in working with them to ensure that their matters and urge are being looked into.



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10 Jan
By: Hillary Kiplagat 0 0

A New Dawn For Lessos Business Community

Lessos Trading Centre residents and business community converged yesterday at Ruki Resort to engage in a public participation aimed at electing new market committee, following a petition by stakeholders praying for fresh election of Lessos center market committee since the committee in place was elected 21 years ago and not representative

The election was held under the provision of Urban and Cities (amendments) Act 2019, establishing urban areas including municipality town or market centers and management of these urban areas. Various stakeholders and business categories were represented including land owner, retailers/wholesalers, mama mboga , boda boda operators, bar owners, hotel owners, jua kali /auto spares dealers, matatu operators, special groups and gender.

From each category one candidate was nominated except land owners retailers /wholesalers, jua kali/ auto spare dealers, categories each from which two candidates were nominated, making a total of 13 members and 2 co- opted members

In an election presided over by the Deputy director for Administration Philister  Maiyo, Joseph Ketter was elected as the chairperson and  Richard Cheror as vice  chair. Maiyo made it clear that according to law a market center  is managed and governed by the county government and therefor pointed out that the area ward administrator is a member of committee representing county government as stipulated in the Act .The deputy director explained the functions of the committee as stated in the act which include overseeing affairs of the market center, facilitating and promoting trade development, promoting market infrastructural development, implement applicable national and county laws, promote safe and healthy environment as well as function outlined  in the first schedule of the Act. The exercise was the first ever carried out under the Urban Areas and Cities (amendment) Act 2019 and is expected to replicated across the county.

Accompanying the deputy director were trade development officers Christine Cherotich, Amos Saina and Philip Kogo.  Also present was Job Koech, Ward Administrator for Lessos, Elly Melly, Ward Administrator Chepkunyuk, Lucy Ruto Ward Administrator Nandi Hills, James Serem , Chief Lessos  Location Sammy Songok Assistant Chief Lessos Sub location and Wilson Kosgei Sub county revenue officers among others.

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02 Nov
By: Hillary Kiplagat 0 0


Plans are underway for the County Government of Nandi to set up an export processing zone (EPZ) in Kibigori, Chemase Ward of Tinderet Sub-County. Mid this year, a team of officers led by CEC for Trade, Investment and Industrialization Jacob Tanui met Principal Secretary for Mining John M. Omenge at the Ministry of Petrolium and Mining, offices in Nairobi where they had discussion with regard to relocating Twiga Chemicals Limited from the land to pave way for establishment of the EPZ.  Tanui said that Governor Stephen Sang is willing and eager for the Special Economic Zone to be set up in the area. He further stated that Nandi County under the leadership of Hon. Stephen Sang was the first county to launch The Big Four Agenda and he wants the project to be part of the Agenda.

Accompanying the CEC, the Chief Officer, Trade and Investment, Feisal Mohammed said that the County Government has already budgeted Kshs 8 million to start the works on the EPZ land. He went further to ask the Principal Secretary for guidance on how to solve the Twiga Chemicals land issue. He was thus concerned about the timeline in solving the land issue of the project since the budgeted amount might be redirected into other activities.

Member of County Assembly for Chemase ward Hon. Hillary Koech commended the decision by the county government to set up an EPZ in his own Ward saying that the project will be life changing to the people of Chemase and the county at large. He added that there is need for an immediate solution on the land. He further stated that the politics will be involved in solving the land issue of the project.

Twiga Chemicals Limited occupies a small section at the center of the 8.82 acre piece of land but the county government wishes to make use of the entire piece by establishing the Export Processing Zone.

Responding to the county officials, the Principal Secretary said that he will convene a meeting with Twiga Chemicals Limited where he will engage alongside County Government of Nandi. Hoping that Twiga Chemical Limited will be willing to be offered an alternative land, he promised that The State Department will copy to The County Government of Nandi all the correspondences that they engage with Twiga Chemicals Limited.

He went further to advised the County Government not to re-allocate the budgeted money for the project saying that a solution will be found soon. He confirmed that he will be holding a meeting with selected Principal Secretaries to discuss issues about manufacturing and the land issue in Chemase will come up for discussion.

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01 Nov
By: Hillary Kiplagat 0 0


Farmers from Nandi County will soon have their own markets where they will sell their farm produce directly to consumers, cutting off the traditional value chain that is replete with middlemen.

This borrows from international practice where most cities have farmers markets that supply produce direct from the farms to the consumers.

Upon its operationalization, the markets will contain sections for fresh produce, Beef, fish and poultry products, dairy produce and a grains sections.

The markets will provide temporary selling space for different farmers on a day-to-day basis, others lease out permanent shops that are operated by individual farmers who take the space on a long-term basis.

The markets are Kaptumo, Kobujoi and Maraba sale yard. The county department of trade is ensuring that the facilities have the necessary amenities required such as water and toilets before having them fully operational.

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02 Jul
By: Cornelius Kipkoech 1 0


Nandi residents have been urged to register their plots and pay land rates to the County Government.

Addressing a stakeholders forum that brought together residents and Baraton Business Community at Baraton trading center, Trade and Industrialization CEC Jacob Tanui, his Finance counterpart CPA Alfred Lagat and Trade Chief Officer Feisal Mohammed said that the County Government of Nandi will soon start mapping both registered and unregistered business plots in Nandi in a bid to increase revenues from land rates.

Finance & Economic Planning CECM CPA Alfred Lagat addressing Baraton business community

At the forum, the public was also sensitized over the Kapsabet Municipality, Baraton being part of it. Kapsabet town received a charter as a Municipality. The municipality is directly involved in the development activities within its boundaries.

The Trade and Industrialization CEC Jacob Tanui expressed concern that majority of Nandi residents evade land rate payments and revenue, a trend that he termed as unfortunate.

The stakeholders forum was part of a series of public engagement forums held for various opinion leaders to enhance collection of revenues, tax, land rates and land registration in Nandi County.

Finance and Economic Planning CEC CPA Alfred Lagat urged members of the public to desist from cash payment and pay their parking fees, single business permits, advertisements, land rates, daily market cess through Paybill Number or Account Numbers provided.

The Chief Officer for Trade Feisal Mohammed who was also present emphasized the importance of land registrations and payment of land rates.

Land owners are asked to pay for their land rates on time to avoid accummulation of debt and penalties that come through.


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13 Apr
By: Caren Towett 0 0


A team of county revenue officers earlier this month, held 4 days consultative meetings with bodaboda operators across the county to inform them of government’s intention to create SACCOs for the industry. This is a move by the county government to give bodaboda operators the opportunity to invest and grow their economic status by depositing the amount which would be used as business licensing fee to SACCOs of their choice. The forums organized by the county government took place in various venues all over the county bringing together all the bodaboda business stakeholders.

Leading a team of officers to Kabiyet, in Mosop Sub County, Sammy Lui said that the county government is giving an opportunity to all bodaboda operators to form SACCO societies in which they will deposit their savings on monthly basis. He pointed out that bodaboda operators will benefit from SACCO in many ways including saving some of their income for future needs, easy access to loans, annual dividends and retirement benefits.

Lui who was speaking on behalf of County Revenue Senior Officer Nicholas Biwott noted that other SACCOs acquire land and build rental houses from their savings which in return earn them more profits from rents collected. He said that if the members work together with a common goal and vision, bodaboda industry will be worth millions of shillings and can be looked up to in the future. He indicated that bodaboda operators can choose to join either a primary SACCO which is made up of a maximum of 20 members or secondary SACCO which has a maximum of 50 members.

Registered under the Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing, SACCO is authorized to take deposits from and lend to its members. It is governed by the SACCO bylaws which state the objectives, membership, organization structure, share capital, management and lending regulations.

Motor cycle owners and riders drawn from Kaptel-Kamoiwa, Ndalat, Kabisaga and Sangalo-Kebulonik wards welcomed the county government’s initiative to boost their economic ventures and vowed to create SACCOs before the beginning of the next financial year. Edwin Kemboi, KabiyetBodaboda Chairperson expressed gratitude to the County Government for such an informative forum that will transform the bodaboda industry. However he asked the County Government to build a large bodaboda shade in Kabiyet that will see over 50 riders who are in need of the amenity sheltered.

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13 Apr
By: Caren Towett 0 0


A team of training facilitators from Kenya Institute of Business Training Thursday visited the county’s department of Trade, Investment and Industrialization where they met the department’s CEC Jacob Tanui.The team that is mandated to carry out training on micro, small and medium enterprises came to seek an MOU with the county government with regard to training MSMEs in the county. The visit comes in a time when the department is in the process of developing a county enterprise fund Bill which is intended to improve the livelihood of Nandi residents by means of economic empowerment.

Speaking during the meeting the CEC welcomed the team’s offer to work with the county government for the betterment of MSMEs. He reiterated that his initiative is geared towards a structured, focused and sustainable working relationship with MSME development.The CEC termed their visit timely to the department stating that the department’s focus is to link and network entrepreneurs with projects that have huge benefits.


Trade CEC  Jacob Tanui

Briefing the department’s technical officers drawn from different sub sectors through the mandate and interest the institute has in Nandi County, Evans Oyaro who is Consultancy and Capacity Building HOD said that the Kenya Institute of Business Training is a nonprofit making entrepreneur center and the only government body charged with training entrepreneurs in the country. He added that the institute seeks to collaborate and partner with the county government in a bid to train its employees in matters concerning entrepreneurship, business development and on-site consultancy on SMEs

The collaboration between the institute and the county government will help establish a memorandum of understanding which will in turn assist the county pull resources together to benefit the micro, small and medium enterprises.

The training institute targets to undertake; capacity building for informal traders, develop entrepreneurial culture among youth through training, create linkages and develop women entrepreneurship programs to ensure high incidence of entrepreneurial success.
Present during the meeting was CO Trade and investment Feizal Mohamed and the Director for Enterprise development Jonah Bwambok, Gideon Njogu, Lead Consultant on Productivity and Quality Management (KIBT) and Samson Owando Lecturer (KIBT).

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