Departments Categories: Ministries

10 Jul
28 Jun
By: Remmy Butia 29 0

Health and Sanitation

Ruth Cherotich Koech has a degree in Nursing, Biology and a Master’s in Public Health Management, with a background in the health sector for over two decades. She has worked as a healthcare provider and as a Public Health Administrator for Iowa State Public Health Department in the USA and had the privilege to review a budget of over 250 Million dollars.

It is not by mistake that I have received this appointment to head the Health Sector, I have a calling to serve the people of Nandi and I am committed to turn around the health sector.

The department’s ambition to reform the health sector in Nandi County is progressively but unquestionably being realized.

This has been achieved through the inception of an ambitious plan to streamline healthcare provision.

Within a short period of time, a reputable opinion poll has already rated Nandi County top in the country in the matters of health care provision where Governor Stephen Sang’s administration has been able to make huge strides in ensuring a smooth service provision.

With the support of Governor Sang, we were able to swiftly put an end to frequent health workers’ strikes that had decapitated the health sector in his first week of assuming office.

The much-needed drugs that were lacking in all county hospitals for a prolonged period of six months are now being supplied regularly.

Some of our hospitals have received sophisticated hospital beds including electric beds and other specialist beds that are meant to boost the effective treatment of inpatients with difficult conditions that may have hampered their mobility.

This has significantly reduced referral of patients outside the county and quick response for ambulance services by our restructured referral system.

Plans to expand Kapsabet County Referral Hospital and all Sub County hospitals to premier status and enhancing the availability of modern medical equipment in health will further reduce referrals to facilities outside the County.

In September 2017, county nurses who had been on strike for over three months ended their strike and signed a return-to work formulae with the Governor.

The health workers were demanding overdue promotions, and better terms of service and the agreement saw nurses receive their promotions and delayed salaries.

Recruitment of casual health staff has commenced (additional staffing, replacement of those who have exited the service through natural attrition, resignation among others) to reinforce those in the existing structure.

My primary interest and focus is to provide primary healthcare for our people, and going forward we will use dialogue to resolve issues instead of sitting silent and allowing our health workers to resort to frequent strikes that have resulted in deaths and suffering for Nandi patients.

All county and sub-county hospital committees and the County Health Management Board that had been constituted by the previous regime were also dissolved by the Governor to pave way for a reshuffle to ensure better management and running of county hospitals.


It is regrettable that the extend of the rot had also eaten up into NHIF and revenue reimbursements in Free Maternity Funds and hospital revenues which were suspected redirected to corrupt individuals in the previous regime.

With workable schemes in place to guide the effective management of drugs, Nandi county hospitals now enjoy a fulltime supply of drugs and other medical supplies.

The Department will continuously seal all the loopholes to ensure that all the drugs are accounted for and an effective tracking system for the drugs is in place.

Despite challenges, Tuga Tai’s agenda to transform Nandi healthcare is becoming a reality.

DR. PAUL KIPNG’ETICH LAGAT is a holder of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, from the University of Nairobi’s School of Medicine

At Eland Computer College Kericho, Kenya, he was awarded a Certificate in Computer Applications.

He attended Kapsabet Boys High School and Mogobich Primary School.

Dr. Lagat has worked as a Medical Officer- Out patient, Inpatient, ICU/HDU and Member of Therapeutic and Diagnostics committee.

He has worked at AMREF Medical evacuation as flight doctor on air ambulance and at Karen Hospital Ltd, Nairobi as a Medical officer in charge where he provided outpatient care to patients.

Dr. Lagat has vast experience in Accident and Emergency departments, critical care department-ICU/HDU Renal Unit, In-patient department.

At MTRH, Dr. Lagat worked as a Medical Officer-Accident & Emergency Department where he provided emergency medical and basic surgical care to patients.

At Ololulung’a District Hospital, Dr. Lagat was the Medical Officer In-charge where he was in charge of Hospital Administration, Personnel Management, Provision of Medical, Surgical and Obstetric services.

As a Research Intern, he worked with the Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR) Scholarship where he was attached at the Partners in Prevention Study, Eldoret Site.

He is married with children

SALLY JERUGUT KEMBOI is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Community

Health and Development at Great Lakes University, Kisumu.

Sally has a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and holds a Diploma in Community Health Nursing attained at KMTC –Nairobi.

She did her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education at Itigo Girls Secondary School.

With over 20 years in service, Sally has worked at all levels of health care, starting from the dispensary to level 4, as a Nurse practitioner, Mentor, Researcher and as a Nurse Manager.

Sally has worked as the Nursing Service Manager and Nurse Manager at Kapsabet County Referral Hospital.

Previously, Sally worked as at Kapsabet District as a Hospital-Unit manager, Kampi ya Samaki dispensary as a nurse manager and at Baringo District Hospital as a nurse manager in charge of the maternity unit.

At Kenyatta National Hospital, Sally worked as a KMTC Nairobi-Student Nurse.

Other responsibilities include being a BOM member at St. Paul’s Chemalal and Kimwani Secondary Schools in Chemelil Chemase Ward representing community.

Sally is married and blessed with children.


To provide efficient and high quality health care system that is accessible, equitable and affordable for every Kenyan.


To provide health services, create an enabling environment, regulate and set standards and policy for health service delivery.


To promote and participate in provision of integrated and high quality promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to all Kenyans.


The core functions of the ministry include:

  • Formulation and implementation of health and sanitation policies.
  • Provision and promotion of preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services.
  • Setting standards and regulating the provision of health service delivery.
  • Administration of Medical Research Institutes, Medical Training Colleges and Health Insurance Fund
  • Management of radiation protection board and regulatory bodies for pharmacy and medicine.
  • Provide overall sanitation services and prevention.
  • Provision of maternal and child health services.
  • Quarantine administration for disease outbreak.
  • Manage clinics, dispensaries, health centres and hospitals.
  • Provide health education.
  • Health inspection and other health services including food and safety
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27 Jun
By: Remmy Butia 16 0

Finance and Economic Planning

CPA, Alfred Lagat (33)

Hon. Alfred Lagat is Bachelor of Commerce Graduate (Finance) and a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya.

He has a wide a knowledge and experience in banking and tax matters. He is also a trainer in Public Finance Management with emphasis on PFM Act 2012.

He worked as a Senior Associate in Deloitte and Touche. He has also worked as an assistant Finance Manager at Diamond Trust Bank. He also served as the lead consultant in Tullow Consulting Ltd.

Lagat has also served in the office of the Auditor General, Controller of Budget and other counties in matters finance.

The Finance and Economic Planning Sector is charged with the responsibility of ensuring prudent financial management of financial resources, formulating fiscal economic and fiscal policies to facilitate socio –economic development, resource mobilization and control of public financial resources. The sub sectors in the sector are namely: Revenue; Economic Planning; Budget; Accounting and Internal Audit.

Nandi County has adopted and currently using Medium Term Expenditure Framework in its budgeting. Budgeting based on MTEF has improved the efficiency of utilization of resources with regard to programs within the Finance and Economic Planning sector. Budget & Expenditure department has reformed the structure of the budget including the classification.

The IFMIS system has been fully implemented and e-payment system is fully operational in the county. County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) is being developed and mainstreaming of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in CIDP has been factored in.

Revenue services have been devolved to all sub counties as we aim to increase our collection to meet our annual set targets.

In the first quarter of the 2017- 18 F/Y county government of Nandi was named as one of the counties that hit their targets in revenue collection, a move that earned us an additional of fund the commission of revenue allocation.  

Sector Working Groups (SWGs) were constituted and are operational, Finance and economic planning sector has been monitoring budget implementation in the county.

The sector continues to play a critical role in management and control of public finances and in creation of enabling economic environment for rapid economic growth and development of the county.

We have inaugurated the first County Budget and Economic Forum (CBEF) which brings together stake holders from across our Social, Political and Economic divides as required by law under section 137 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012


To provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization and management for quality public service delivery


A center of excellence in public finance management and development planning


    • Transparency and Accountability – The department will conduct its business in a transparent and accountable manner.
    • Customer Approach – The department is committed to uphold customer driven and customer focused service delivery.
    • Participatory Approach – the department is committed to consultative and a;ll inclusive planning and budgeting process.



    • Honest and Integrity – The department will promote openness, uprightness and reliability while executing its mandate.
    • Professionalism – All staff shall uphold the highest standards of professional competency and integrity.
    • Efficiency and Effectiveness – The department will promote prudent use of county resources geared towards high productivity.


The goals of the sector are to:

    • Promote prudent resource management;
    • Promote evidence based planning and budgeting
    • Formulate and implement policy guidelines for economic growth and development;
    • Promote resource mobilization;
    • Coordinate implementation of development policies and programmes; and
    • Monitor and evaluate development programmes and activities.
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27 Jun
By: Remmy Butia 35 0

Agriculture and Coorporative Development

Dr. Bernard Kiplimo Lagat is a Development Economist with over ten years’ experience in consultancy, research and training in both public and private sectors. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management from Moi University, Kenya; an MSC in Agricultural Economics and a BSc in Agricultural Economics from Moi University. Dr Lagat is currently the Chief Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Agriculture and Cooperative Development

He is formerly a Senior Lecturer at Moi University where he serves as a Postgraduate coordinator and Chairman Departmental Graduate Studies Committee. He is an African Development Bank STAARS fellow and a visiting Fellow at Cornenll University and a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Siena in Italy where he was involved in the Work package 7 of the European Union, FP7 project (BIOWASTE4SP)- Turning biowaste into sustainable products: development of appropriate conversion technologies in developing countries. He is a Senior Consultant and Partner at Leocrest Consulting and a full-time senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Resource Management, School of Business and Economics at Moi University, Kenya. His research interests include: Impact Evaluation of public policies, Sustainable Development, Value Chain Development Agricultural Finance, Risk Management and agricultural Insurance, Agricultural Land Policy.

He has strong empirical skills in Impact evaluation, Value chain analysis and Microeconometric modelling and analysis. He is proficient in several softwares including STATA, SPSS, Eviews and R. He has over 10 years of experience in research in Impact Evaluation, Development economics and Agricultural Value Chain Development. He has undertaken several consultancies for a number of institutions including West Africa Monetary Institute (WAMI) in Accra Ghana, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Abuja, USAID, African Union, European Union, Government of Kenya, County Governments in Kenya, and a number of Private Companies. He is currently an active member of AGRODEP, PEP, AIEN (AGRODEP IMPACT EVALUATION NETWORK), AES, IAAE, AAAE, and AFMA among others. Dr. Lagat is married with two children.

Agriculture is the backbone of our economy and the County Government of Nandi is keen to ensure that the service delivery this important sector is enhanced with an aim of improving the living standards of the people. Department of Agriculture and cooperative development have an overall goal of increase Agricultural production in a conducive and sustainable environment. The department consists of five directorates namely, Directorate of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, Cooperatives and veterinary services Value addition is our clarion target to department in order to maximize profitability to our farmers even as we move to offer support service as a government. Statistics show that there is a huge export market opportunity in the global market for our horticultural produce and thus there in need for concerted efforts to increase production of horticultural produce to address the shortage in the global market.  . As County Executive Member in charge of this docket, my role is to provide an enabling policy environment as well as providing leadership to a dedicated team of employees who are diligently serving the public. I therefore assure members of the public of our commitment to offer quality and efficient services.

VISION The vision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries is to be a leading agent towards the achievement of food security, employment creation, income generation and poverty reduction in the County.


  • Professionalism
  • Accountability, Transparency and Integrity
  • Efficiency an d responsiveness
  • Partnerships
  • Equity

MISSION To improve the livelihood s of the Nandi County  citizens by promotion of competitive Agriculture through creation of enabling environment, provision of support services and ensuring sustainable Natural Resource Management.

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27 Jun
By: Remmy Butia 13 0

Administration, Public Service and ICT

We  seek to be the leading  department in management  of county resources and efficient   delivery of services in the county , we aim to facilitate, cordinate  and empower the county workforce to ensure timely and efficient delivery of services  to the people of Nandi County

In line  with Governor Stephen Sangs’ Vision  of Ensuring proper working conditions for public  servants the department is in close consultation with the  County Public Service Board and the Finance Department as we seeks to better the welfare  of Nandi County workforce.

We seek to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of public service and adminstration, spearhead management and development of human resources in public service.

We are also in the process of undertaking a comprehensinve restructuring to ensure that the adminidtration andpublic service function effectively by utilization of avalable human resourcein the public service through in-service raining programmes, research, innovations, rewards and best practice human resource management development and administrative initiatives. All these shall be done in consideration of the stipulated financial laws, regulations, instructions and accounting procedures.

It is important to note that the county has repaired and maintained over 50 stalled vehicles including ambulances, plant machines, tractors, exhausters and fire engines. The fuel consumption has drastically been reduced by 60% from Ksh. 10 million to Ksh. 4 million per month.


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