Blog Post

27 May
By: Cornelius Kipkoech 1 0


It is an inescapable fact that young people constitute the most socially active and energetic segment of the population in Nandi. Young people are endowed with the energy and creativity; and they are our society’s most productive human resource with the greatest potential to contribute positively to County development.

Acknowledging the youth as the season of hope and the promise of great things to come, the county government of Nandi through the department of Sports, Youth Affairs and Arts has distributed welding machines as job starter tools to the youths.

Presenting the tools to beneficiaries from the three sub counties of Emgwen, Chesumei and Mosop, Nandi Deputy Governor, Dr. Yulita Cheruiyot reiterated the commitment of Tuga Tai administration to employment creation for the youths, as the focus was to alleviate poverty among the less-privileged.

The deputy governor urged the beneficiaries to justify the huge investment on them by using the tools judiciously.

She expressed confidence that the programme would serve as a good take-off point to creating a source of livelihood with the beneficiaries becoming employers of labour, leading economic growth and development of the society.

“Our administration will continue supporting policies and practices that will aid in the transformation we are witnessing among our young people, including livestock production, marketing, sports, livelihoods diversification, and knowledge management, among other programs,” said the deputy county boss.

Through the department of Youth Affairs, the government has so far presented 45 electric welding machines with a target of 100 to selected artisan youth groups in Nandi geared towards elimination of unemployment among the youth.

The selection of the beneficiaries was done at the ward offices and at the department of youth affairs offices for those youths who submitted requests for empowerment tools.

The department of youth affairs and arts is targeting one hundred youth groups to benefit from the empowerment support program.

Chief Officer Youth and Arts Nelson Ligaga urged the Ward Administrators and youth officials to monitor the usage of the tools to ensure that they are appropriately utilized.

The CO reiterated that his sector will be distributing more machines to youths from Nandi hills sub county this week and the rest of the sub counties in the coming weeks.

Sports Chief Officer Kennedy Tanui stressed that the programme was in the overall interest of the our youth and county at large.

The county government of Nandi remains determined to tackle the challenges of unemployment through various empowerment programmes.

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