Our attention has been drawn by a public demonstration organized by residents of Kaptel/ Kamoiywo ward particularly Sironoi village with regards to the state of Birei/Sironoi bridge and would like to state as follows:
THAT the bridge plays an important role in enhancing communicator and movements of farm produce in this agriculturally productive area of Chesumei sub – county.
THAT the message from the demonstrators depicted a picture of people whose patients is waning.
THAT During the recent re-classification, the road was placed under Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) and a tender for construction of the same was awarded in November 2015 at a cost of K.Shs Seven million and eight hundred thousand (7.8m). The scope of works thereto include; raising the flooded sections in both ends of the bridge with gravel, culvert installation, laying of the slab, construction of shoulders and pedestrian walk ways.
In view of the above, the County government of Nandi has instructed KERRA specifically the resident engineer Eng. Timothy Kendagor to ensure that the WORK is expedited so as to alleviate the suffering and inconvenience caused to the residents.
Finally, as a County government, we are strongly committed to improvement and transformation of infrastructure across the county for public good.
Thank you.