World vision to partner with Nandi County in youth empowerment.
Nandi being a youthful government, youth issues are their number one priority and for this reason, many institutions want to partner with the county government purely on youth issues.
World vision is seeking to partner with Nandi County on the Youth empowerment projects. This flagship project began with 6 counties and is now proceeding with the next 8 counties Nandi being the first on the list. Some of the counties to have had the project implemented include Homabay, Migori, Kisii, Siaya, Kisumu. Their main aim is putting their weight on youth issues so as to impact the society positively.
Forming a technical working group in a county ensures issues are advocated seriously. Youths are to be educated on aspects of governance, ensure they participate in budget making process, be taught to adopt self sustaining cultures like the saving culture which many youth don’t have. It will also structure a way for the youth to engage and their interests taken care of. The technical working group will have members drawn from several spheres which will have members from the world vision, the youths, the county assembly representatives, education officials and be chaired by the CECM sports.
The CECM sports Elly Kurgat today hosted representatives of the world vision in his office. He outlined the many plans Nandi has for the youth with the most recent one being putting the bodaboda operators in saccos. World vision agreed to among other things work with the county government on the boda boda program.