Recognizing the importance of Sustainable Land Management, the County Government of Nandi, through the department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development is implementing the Sustainable Land Management SLM/SFM project in collaboration with KALRO, AGRA & UNEP in order to encourage farmers adopt solutions to combat effects of climate change by stopping encroachment and degradation of natural habitats.
On Thursday, the department organized for SLM Farmer’s Field Day held at Kurgung Micro Catchment area in Kiptangus village, Kurgung/Surungai ward. Addressing farmers during the event, County project coordinator Eng. Japhet Kirwa revealed the project’s objective to increase smallholder productivity through ups-calling of sustainable land management.
KALRO Alupe centre Deputy director Dr. David Mbakaya urged farmers to emulate what they picked during the Field Day in their respective farms. Dr. Mbakaya commended the county Government for to organizing such a successful and field day to educate and sensitize farmers about the project.
CECM for Agriculture and Cooperative Development Dr. Kiplimo Araap Lagat lauded Kurgung Surungai residents for being swift in adopting solutions to climate change by planting traditional tree and fruit trees towards conservation of environment, especially along the springs and the water catchment areas.
Dr. Lagat appreciated the support by the partners and exhibitors while challenging the residents to tap on the opportunity. He lauded SLM innovation platform members for embracing apiculture and at the same time challenged them to do value addition of their produce.
Also present during the Field Day were the area MCA Hon. Pius Murrey, Assistant County Commissioner Mr Peter Olekitesheran, Chief Officer Agriculture among others. #TransformingNandi