News Detail

Faith Songok May 13, 2021


Key among the agricultural sustainable agendas of the County Government of Nandi accords largely investment growth to the framework in which cooperative societies operate on. This is in view of the development approach co-operatives use, which interlinks growth on both, the economic and social facets of productivity.

It is in this light that the directorate of co-operative development under the department of Agriculture and Co-operative Development is committed in its mandate to direct efforts in strengthening governance, a fundament to the efficiency and resilience of investment systems within these co-operatives, as informant of development success.

On Thursday together with the management committee of Nandi Tea Multipurpose Co-operative Society, Chief Officer Co-operative Development Dr. Benadatte Tiony identified areas of opportunities in which to enhance the economic and social status of the society’s membership.

“There is need to refocus and re-assess Nandi Tea Co-operative Society development strategy not just to mobilize financial resources but to also look into securing its development by assimilating the most proactive yielding human resource, the youth, as stewards of future sustainability and development”.

She stated this as a note that the membership of the co-operative largely lies on the senior age group with less on the younger side. She urged the team to revise their bylaws to have an inclusive aspect that allows flexibility and ease of entrance for the youth in the society. She also asked the committee tasked on the role of member education to liaise with the office to rally and disseminate knowledge on the economic advantage of joining Nandi Tea Multipurpose Society as a rally for youths to join in the development, in addition to increasing the knowledge base of it members on management information to increase comprehension thus trust in the society’s agendas.

Of managerial responsibility, Dr. Benadatte emphasized on the key need to audit every process for assured accountability. This goes a long way to stabilize the investment portfolio of the co-operative hence further expand its capacity to indulge in other prosperity mediums.

She applauded the team for its consistent effort to earn rank as the best managed investment society in Nandi. In inclusion is the proactive measure the co-operative took in diversifying its asset integration to include other means of mobilizing capital apart from tea production.

Also present was Emgwen Sub County Co-operative Officer, Madam Bismeth Maleya.

Chief Officer Co-operative Development, Dr. Benadatte Tiony (fifth from left) pose for a photo with Nandi Tea Multipurpose Co-operative Society Management Committee.

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