All women are potentially at risk of developing cervical cancer at some point in their life, yet it is avoidable cause of death among women in Sub- Saharan Africa with a world incidence of 530,000 every year.
Cervical cancer remains the most common cancer which is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women of reproductive age and the 2nd most frequent cancer among women.
The World Health Organisation has recommended offering HPV vaccination to girls at ages 9-13 and Kenya has developed a comprehensive strategy to address cervical cancer, which includes rollout of HPV vaccination among girls, with the purpose of vaccinating girls naïve to the targeted types.
The County Government of Nandi is taking a vital step against the common cause of death among women – in the country and the region – by rolling out the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine against cervical cancer into its routine immunization schedule.
The HPV vaccine is effective against most HPV strains, which account for more than 70% of cervical cancer cases.
The HPV vaccine against cervical cancer is effective if administered before exposure to the virus, which is transmitted sexually.
The County Department of Health SCEPI Team aims to increase awareness of the risk for HPV-related cancers and the protective benefits of the HPV vaccine, and to empower young adults to complete the HPV vaccine series. The SCEPI team also supports healthcare providers who counsel young adults by offering tips for effectively recommending the vaccine. Healthcare providers are recognized as a key influence in the adoption of immunization behaviors among young adults.
So far, 200 Girls in Chesumei Sub County have been reached and 322 from 13 schools in Aldai have so far received the HPV Vaccine.