After over 20 years of neglect, renovation works done will now bring a full range of services at Ndubusat Dispensary in Chepkunyuk Ward, Nandi Hills Sub County.
In just under five months, Ndubusat dispensary received the much-needed renovation and upgrade courtesy of Governor Sang’s administration. The facility now has a proper maternity wing, an outpatient wing, sterilization room, a laboratory and an incinerator among other renovated facilities.
But it wasn’t only a matter of infrastructure. The facility also needs adequate service providers.
The County Government of Nandi recognized that need, and it now provides the necessary budget to operate the dispensary around the clock with a full staff of nurses, pharmacists and lab technicians to be posted to the facility before its operationalization.
The county department of health is also providing state-of-the-art medical equipment that will allow Ndubusat dispensary to offer a full range of outpatient care, maternal and child health services, including emergency obstetric care, and maternal and neonatal care services.
”The renovation work does not just meet the basic standards; we now have a very presentable and modern health facility at Ndubusat after several years of neglect,” says CEC for Health Ruth Koech.
The renovated facility will open its doors to the public in early January and will operate around the clock. This means improved maternal, newborn and child health services for thousands of Chepkunyuk residents. It also means the end of traveling to faraway hospitals for basic health-care services.
After over 22 years of waiting, it is enough to put the spring back in the steps of residents as they walk through the hospital every day.