Breastfeeding is the birthright of every child and responsibility of every mother. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year on August 1 to 7.
This year’s theme is ‘Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding.’
The County Government of Nandi through the department of health and sanitation today joined the global event.
Nandi Deputy Governor Dr. Yulita Cheruiyot, led the county in marking the world breastfeeding week at Kipng’oror Health Center in Chepterwai Ward of Mosop Sub County.
“Establishing exclusive breastfeeding – feeding infants nothing but breast milk for the first six months of life – helps young children grow, preventing under-nutrition, promoting brain development and reduce the rate at which children become overweight,” noted the Deputy County boss.
The health and sanitation department, acknowledged partners notably Nutrition International and Eastern Produce Kenya (EPK) in enhancing awareness creation, advocating for the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding culture.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding within one hour for the first 6 months and at the same time providing them with nutritious complimentary till 2 years.
Babies who are breastfed by their mothers are less likely to develop tonsillectomies – a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils.
Less skin allergy is associated with babies who receive their mother’s milk, which in turn lead to general healthy living.
Higher IQ is also associated with children who are breastfed and, this means cognitive development emanating from nerve tissue expansion. Improved memory is yet another merits of consuming milk of the mother.
Other deadly conditions and diseases greatly reduced by the breast milk include: urinary tract, obesity, sudden infant death syndrome, cholesterol management and respiratory infections.
The global breastfeeding week is an annual event that is set aside for recognizing the health importance of giving children their mother’s milk.
Health facilities, pediatricians, gynecologists, family members, parents, guidance and the general public must support new and young mothers to breastfeed their children.
Present at the event were the County Director for Health Dr. David Bungei, Angeline Korir the County Nutritionist, Nutrition International Coordinator Kiprotich Kirorei among other senior county health officials and staff from Mosop sub county.