CECM for Education and Vocational Training Grace Sugut has said 60 million shillings will be given as bursaries to needy students across the County for the financial year 2019/20.
Each Ward will in January 2020 get Kshs. 2,000,000 that is to be shared in the ratio of 30:30:30:10; that is 30% for University and College students, another 30% for the Vocational Training College students, 30% for the secondary students and the remaining 10% goes to students with special needs.
Sugut said the verification exercise for all the applicants had been completed and beneficiaries identified through an open exercise to ensure transparency and fairness at the Ward and Location levels. She added that the public participation exercise carried out in the past week and spearheaded by Nandi County Education Fund (NACEF) Committee Chairman Chris Kosgey had sort to identify needy cases with the help of residents.
The CECM further indicated that after the identification exercise is done, verification and approval of applicants is done by the NACEF Committee; a body established by the NACEF Act 2016,’ she said.
Sugut reiterated that the committee must ensure fairness and equity is adhered to in all awards for bursary education grants and only make the awards to eligible and successful applicants as per the results of the public participation.
NACEF committee chair affirmed that during the identification exercise, strict guidelines were followed which include giving orphans the first priority.
‘People with special needs, vulnerable and those without gainful employment yet have children in school were also considered,’ said Kosgey. He is indicated that they are in custody of the files that contain documents with details of bursary applicants from each ward of the sub-counties.
‘The details are; the ward and sub-county of the applicant, their categories, the name of the applicant, the institutions they are in, their admission numbers and the amount awarded. Other details are the summary from the chief, fees structure, birth certificate and the details of the parents/guardians,’ he said.
He further revealed that the Nandi County Bursary Management System will be useful in saving on labour, time and also increases productivity, accuracy and maximum use of modern technology.
kiprotich linus
Comments *I am a student in Meru university who applied for the bursary, am yet to receive them yet the end of semester exams is just a week to. Just advise me, thank you in advance
3:32 pm - December 5, 2019
kiprotich linus
Comments *I am a student in Meru university who applied for the bursary, am yet to receive them yet the end of semester exams is just a week to, am really in need of your assistance. Just advise me, thank you in advance
3:41 pm - December 5, 2019