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Cornelius Kipkoech July 31, 2019


Malnutrition in Nandi County remains a big public health problem. The County is experiencing a rise in diet-related non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cancers, kidney and liver complications that are attributed to the consumption of foods low in fibre and high in fats and sugars. This triple burden on malnutrition is serious and without deliberate and concerted effort, will lead to increased morbidity, mortality as well as loss of productivity.

Nandi has made great efforts in dealing with malnutrition which is one of the greatest public health burdens in the county. One intervention is the development of the Nandi County Nutrition Action Plan (N-CNAP). The development of N-CNAP began with an inception workshop held today with stakeholders from all county departments and officials from Nutrition International to provide guidance on the action plan.

The inception workshop was officially opened by Nandi Deputy Governor Dr. Yulita Cheruiyot flanked by the County Executive Committee Member for Health and Sanitation Ruth Koech.

Reducing malnutrition in Nandi County is not just a health priority but also a political choice that calls for a multi-sectoral focus driven by a political goodwill that acknowledges the integral role that nutrition plays in ensuring a healthy population and productive workforce. Communities must be empowered to claim their right to good nutrition and guided to play their role towards realizing this right.

The solutions to malnutrition are practical, basic and have to be applied at scale and prioritized in the County development agenda. Nandi County has shown renewed commitment to nutrition having partnered with Nutrition International. Therefore, the development of the Nandi County Nutrition Action Plan (N-CNAP) provides practical guidance to implementation of Nandi County’s commitments to nutrition.

The N-CNAP will provide a framework for coordinated implementation of high impact nutrition intervention by the county government and nutrition stakeholders for maximum impacts at all levels. Most of these interventions are part of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) actions.

The purpose of the County Nutrition Action Plan is to provide a framework for coordinated implementation of nutrition intervention activities by the county government and nutrition stakeholders.

The Plan is being developed through implementation of High impact Nutrition interventions (HiNi). The HiNi interventions include: exclusive breastfeeding, timely complementary feeding, iron folate, vitamin A and zinc supplementation, hand washing, deworming, food fortification and management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition.

It is expected that implementation of the Plan will contribute to increased commitment, partnerships and networking as well as resource mobilization efforts among nutrition stakeholders towards achieving these goals.

Also present were the Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive Services Sally Kemboi and the Director for Health Dr. David Bungei.

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