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Walter Sicho November 12, 2020

FIELD DAY- Enhancing Food Security and Income through Partnership.

Today, hundreds of farmers and non-farmers alike participated in a Farmers’ Field Day organized by the County department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development in partnership with Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme Climate Resillient Agricultural Livelihoods KCEP-CRAL held at Mr. Samuel Kemboi’s farm in Kapkobis village, Chemundu – Kapng’etuny ward, Chesumei Sub-County.

Farmer attendance at Samwel Kemboi’s farm in Chesumei sub county.

During the field day, farmers were trained on various appropriate varieties of grains and other crops that would do well in the county. The event took a hands-on approach with farming professionals, extension officers and exhibitors who were available to showcase and explain best farming methods and practices.

Farmers on training.

Speaking at the event, Chief Officers for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Mr. Wilson Lelei reiterated the Government’s commitment to continue supporting farmers with subsidized Agricultural Mechanization Services AMS for ploughing and other land preparation, certified seeds and trainings to ensure that farmers produce the best and fetch good prices.

Chief Officer Agriculture, Mr Wilson Lelei addressing the farmers.

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