The County Government of Nandi Department of Agriculture & Cooperative Development on Saturday joined the rest of the world in commemorating the 97th International Day of Cooperatives locally known as ‘Ushirika Day’. The day is observed worldwide every first Saturday of July every year to allow cooperators reflect on the achievements of cooperative movements. This year, the celebration was themed ‘Cooperatives For Decent Work’.
During the celebrations held at AIC Kapsabet Bible College, Nandi Governor Stephen Sang commissioned distribution of over 50,000 certified coffee seedlings to be distributed to farmers through different cooperative societies in all the six Sub Counties in Nandi.

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang issuing seedlings to cooperative societies.
While addressing the cooperators, Governor Sang noted that Nandi County has over 70,000 cooperative members with a share capital/deposit of over Sh1.3 billion and turnover of over Sh1.2 billion, majority of whom practice farming, and thus the sector should receive necessary attention and support.
The County boss said that provision of seedlings to coffee farmers was one among many programs by his administration aimed at improving the sector for more economic benefit to the residents of Nandi.
Sang revealed that the Enterprise Fund Policy which will assist Cooperative societies to access affordable credit facilities, through a revolving fund, was at advance stage and soon it will be operational.
“I encourage all savings and credit cooperatives societies to lead in mobilizing resources and to prudently manage them so that in future they will be able to do business with other small cooperative societies who will be in need of affordable financial services.” said Sang.
Youth and women are also encouraged to take the advantage of the revolving fund once it is operational.
On his part, CECM Agriculture and Cooperative Development Dr. Kiplimo Araap Lagat said that his department will continue supporting and strengthening cooperative societies saying that they’re vehicles for rapid economic growth in the County.

CECM Agriculture and Cooperative Development Dr. Kiplimo Araap Lagat addressing Cooperators
“As people centered enterprises & key development actors, Cooperatives have an important role to play in the creation of decent jobs, social and economic empowerment of local communities.” said Dr Lagat.
He also urged the cooperative societies to to put into consideration the principle of good governance for the success and smooth running of cooperative societies.
Chief Officer Cooperative Development Dr. Benerdate Tiony led the County Government in taking stock of the achievements by the societies over the past year, recognize and reward the best performing cooperators to grow the movement to higher levels.

Cooperatives Director Mr. Stalin Koech receiving an award from Governor Sang
Prudent management of the cooperatives and SACCOs will ensure economic growth and I’m turn transform the livelihoods of members.
Ushirika day 2019, which began with an awareness march from Kapsabet town to AIC Bible college, gave an opportunity for cooperators to show how they run successful business while respecting natural environment and resources as a sure way of improving the livelihood of their members.
Farmers and cooperators participated and shown their commitment towards growth & development of cooperative societies.