The County Department of Lands, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change together with Spatial Planning Consultants from the department of Physical Planning and Survey conducted a reconnaissance survey at Kamobo, Kapsasur, Chepsonoi, Musasa, Kiboswa, Mogoiwet, Kapsengere, Kapkerer and Tinderet Sub County in order familiarize themselves with the planning area, map out planning issues and identify opportunities to tap for development.
Recently, the County Government launched Geographic Information System, a planning tool that will help in presenting Spatial or Geographic data that will be gathered by the consultants.
The spatial plan will address among other issues like urban sprawl, uncontrolled developments, uneconomical subdivision of land, land and air pollution, encroachment into environmentally sensitive areas.
The balance between food production and urbanization will be realised hence promoting food security and industrialization.
Development of the spatial plan will ensure regional balance across the county.
The 2 days exercise is aimed at assisting the consultant to develop an inception report towards preparation of the Nandi County Spatial Plan which is estimated to be through within the next 18 months.