The cooperative model in agriculture is an imperative structure that integrates all the key playing factors in the agricultural value chain in target for profitability. Analysis of the value shareholding in the agricultural market shows that farmers are yet to be the maximum percentage holder of equity in the produce market, and it is with this foresight, is a need to strengthen the institutional capacity of co-operatives to maximize farmers’ profitable maxim in the value market.
It is on this note that the County Government of Nandi through the department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development is on an initiative partnered with Safaricom DigiFarm to create solutions to gaps dairy co-operatives in Nandi face along the divergence of productivity and profitability through innovative practices and knowledge resource.
The cooperative development directorate notes the need for innovative practices to ensure dairy farmers get access to feeds all through the seasons, get easy and affordable access to inputs on cash or credit on the grounds of being members of a cooperative and not on the basis of credit score, as this has shown to be a liability to smallholder farmers, especially during low season. Also is the role of quality control to ensure a farmer gains production efficiencies as benefit return from input cost.
The partnership with DigiFarm is to capitalize on the model of numbers cooperatives provide to create and make sustainable these solutions while ensuring the dairy farmer gets the maximum profitable equity in the value market.
On Monday, the Co-operative Development directorate led by the Chief Officer, Dr. Benadatte Tiony held a consultative meeting with DigiFarm and Nandi Dairy Co-operative Union officials ahead of a co-operatives workshop with primary dairy co-operatives to capacity build on initiation processes and rules of engagement.

Chief Officer, Cooperative Development, Dr. Benadette Tiony addressing the meeting.

DigiFarm lead team engaging ith The Co-operative Development Directorate.

Nandi Dairy Cooperative Union Chairman, Dr. Abraham Rugut addressing the meeting.