News Detail

Joyce Mutai July 18, 2019


Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) is an important priority area for every child in Kenya. It is the foundation for igniting the child’s potential for lifelong adaptability, innovation and communication skills.

The County Government of Nandi is focused on improving the ECDE services within the county; this is through improving the infrastructure used by the ECDE children and also by taking into consideration the welfare of the teachers. There have been numerous challenges facing the sector.

In the process towards addressing these challenges, the Department of Education and Vocational Training led by the Ag. Chief Officer Jonathan Misoi and ECDE Director Samwel Biwott held a meeting with stakeholders and more than 200 ECDE teachers from Chesumei Subcounty.

Photo: ECDE teachers from Chesumei

The main agenda of the meeting was to create an open forum to highlight the issues that directly affect the teachers. ECD caregivers play an important role in building a child’s success in their first years of school. Teachers do more than facilitate arts and crafts projects throughout the day. They provide structure and help children grow in their reading and writing skills, teach science and help children understand themselves.

Speaking during the meeting Chief Officer Jonathan Misoi pointed out that caregivers help foster growth intellectually, it is just as important to help children grow in their physical abilities. The Department of Education and Vocational Training is taking a step forward to ensure that our children are given proper care while in school. There was a meeting earlier with the teachers from Emgwen subcounty and the team is looking forward to meeting teachers from the remaining 4 sub counties in Nandi.

Photo: Ag. Chief Officer Education Jonathan Misoi

Director Biwott added that ECDE lays the foundation for kids to understand what school actually is. Teachers use a variety of methods to help children grow cognitively, as well as conceptually. A positive relationship with preschool teachers can make an exponential difference in a child’s success as they continue through elementary school. He urged the teachers to use the right channel when presenting their issues and also appreciate the support and take great care of structures which are being put up by the County Government. Currently there are 60 ECD centres which have been constructed by the County Government of Nandi and more than 50 others which are to start.

Photo: ECDE Director Samwel Biwott

Trained Eye Teachers Association (TETA) chairman Kennedy Koech applauded the County government’s effort in supporting the learning in ECDE Centres across the county. He further recommended the Department of Education and Vocational Training to look into the concerns of the teachers and find possible ways to address them.

Photo: TETA Chairman Kennedy Koech

Currently, there are 4843 girls and 5022 boys enrolled for the ECDE in Chesumei Subcounty. Parents are asked to enroll their children into ECDE so as to optimize the early years of children’s lives which is the best investment we can make as a society in ensuring their future success.

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