Peter Koima September 20, 2018
Health Management Information System to be rolled out in Nandi County’s health facilities
To achieve Universal Healthcare systems need to be put in place. The County Government of Nandi, Department of Health and Sanitation is in the process of rolling out an HMIS at its facilities which comprises a set of components and procedures organized with the objective of generating information which will improve health care management decisions at all levels of the health system.
The roll out of the HMIS will aid in easy access to patient data. A well-implemented HMIS means readily available patient data to the care providers.
HMIS cuts out a lot of manual work that are performed in hospitals especially documentation and record keeping.
It helps in cutting down manpower costs because a lot of work gets automated and does not require manual intervention to store or analyze the information.
The HMIS will also save a lot on storage and the related costs. A well-implemented HMIS practically makes a hospital paper free.
Because processes on HMIS are automated and a lot of tasks are assigned to the software to be performed with utmost accuracy, with minimum human intervention, the scope of error is reduced dramatically.
For instance, while billing an IDP patient for consumables used, with HIS the bill can hardly go wrong because the consumables used are immediately entered into the HMIS by the nurse under the patient’s ID.
On another note,record keeping in hospitals is a mandatory bane with two challenges: HMIS is implemented in a hospital, all the data is stored on the server or Cloud. Since HMIS works on logins, data security is not an issue as long as the personnel keep their passwords secret and safe.
The Health Management System also comes with logins. Logins are like individual locks the key of which is alpha numeric with special characters, employee who needs to work on HMIS is given an individual login with access controls. Every task happens through logins, only,therefore giving the kind of accountability that manual processes never manage to give.
The HIS will also improve access to patient data and improved work efficiency means better and faster clinical decisions.
With automation, all departments in the hospitals are inter-connected and faster information access further improves the quality of patient care and the resultant bed turnover in the hospital.
The demonstration of the system will be done on the 24th of September in the presence of H.E The Deputy President William Ruto,with The County boss being entered in as employee number one in the county.
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Health Management Information System to be rolled out in Nandi County’s health facilities – County Government Of Nandi
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