Blog Post

19 Jan
By: Remmy Butia 0 0


The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, led by CEC Elly Kurgat is delighted to ANNOUNCE to the Nandi County Youth of this exciting collaboration with Nancy Mwirotsi and StartUpAfrica.

THE OPPORTUNITY:1st Annual StartUpAfrica Nandi County Pitch Competition for Nandi County-based startup entrepreneurs to identify innovative solutions for the agriculture sector in Nandi. Entrants gain practical insights about starting and growing a business, while using the comprehensive small business resources available at the County and National level.
The expected outcome of the Pitch is to select winning solutions that can lead to new products, programs, projects and processes by youth Agripreneurs that can be implemented in the County.

This call for proposals is open to individuals or teams who wish to submit innovative ideas in any of the following 2 areas of Agribusiness:
i) Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Agri-business
ii) Agricultural production, storage, processing and distribution solutions

The StartUpAfrica Pitch Competition is open to all Kenyan, Nandi youth between the ages of 18 – 35.

A short-list of 25 agripreneurs will be selected from the online submissions and will be invited to a pre-Forum boot camp for coaching and pitching on January 19, 2018 in Nandi County.
Staff from partner organizations are excluded from submitting business concept proposals.

Register your team (minimum 2 and maximum 4 members)Submit your concepts/proposals via email to

Use the following format for your submission <TEAMNAME_CONCEPT TITLE>.

Deadline for Submission: January 26, 2018 at midnight EAT.

Visit for more details.

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