Blog Post

28 Oct
By: Remmy Butia 3 0




Michael k. Boit obtained a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) degree from the University of Oregon and two Masters Degrees in Curriculum Design and Evaluation and in Physical Education both from Stanford University in California. He received a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Physical Education and a minor in Biology from Eastern New Mexico University and a high school teaching certificate from Kenyatta University College, Nairobi.


He joined Kenyatta University (KU) in 1987 as a Senior Lecturer and was promoted to an Associate Professor in the year 2004. In 2009, he went to West Texas A &M for a teaching position, in the Department of Sports Science during his sabbatical leave. He also helped the department to write research proposals for funding. On June 18, 2014 he was awarded a Doctor of Science honorary degree, by the University of Glasgow, as a tribute to his success in sports, the academics and philanthropic services.


At KU, Boit successfully supervised eight (8) PhD students that included Dr. Daniel Muhindi (Registrar Administration) Dr. Vincent Onywera (Registrar Research Innovation and Outreach), Dr. Andanje Mwitsukha (Dean Applied Human Sciences), Dr. Festus Kiplamai (School of Applied Human Sciences Examination Coordinator) Dr. Gitahi Theuri (Departmental Post Graduate Coordinator), Dr. Sandra Kasoma from Uganda. Dr. Francis Mwangi, Coordinator Timetabling, and Dr. Yasmin Goodwin head of Physical Education and Health Department. He also served as external examiner for the University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania for two terms and the University of Nairobi.


Boit have contributed to Book Chapters in eight (8) books and coauthored research papers in reputable international journals. According to Google Scholar the total number of citations, from our research, since 2004 is 706 with 524 citations over the last five years.


In administration, He was the Chairman of Physical Education and Games Department between 1988 to1990. Thereafter, he was appointed the Commissioner for Sports to head the Department of Sports from 1990 to 1997 when he returned to KU. In 2001, he started a new department of Sports Science, as the first chairman. He became the Director of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Athletics Academy at Kenyatta University. In partnership with the IAAF they trained coaches and sports administrators, of the IAAF member federations from the Anglophone African nations.


In 1972, he won a Bronze Medal at the Munich Olympics in 800 metres. In 1975, he was ranked Number One in the World in the same event. His Gold medal, in 800 metres, at the Edmonton Commonwealth Games, was one of the highlights in his athletic career. As a result of being ranked in the top ten for over 10 years in 800 metres he was honoured by the Drake Relays as one of the top 10 male athletes of the century in 2009.


He is the Vice Chairman and a member of the Board of Trustees for Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA). MYSA uses sports as an entry point to promote education, health and environmental awareness, in the slums of Nairobi. In 2004, He established Kenya Scholar-Athlete Project (KenSAP) that has assisted 130 bright and needy students to access quality education on full financial aids at Institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia and others. The returns for investment in this project, in form of financial aid to the students, is hard to quantify in monetary terms.



 Name:                      Michael K. Boit

Date of Birth:           January, 1st 1949

Address:                    Kenyatta University

School of Applied Human Sciences

Department of Recreation Management and

Exercise Science

P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi

Mobile Phone (254)722 794167


Carrent Position:     Associate Processor, School of Applied Human Sciences, in the Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science.





  • Doctor of Education in Curriculum Instruction and Physical Education Administration from the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.


Dissertation:              “The Relationship of Teacher Behavior to Student Achievement in High and Low Achieving High Schools in Nairobi”.


Areas of Interest:      Curriculum Development, Classroom Supervision, Sports Nutrition, Human Anatomy, Sports Sociology and Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods, Sports Management and Administration, Exercise Science and Physical Fitness.


  • Master of Arts in Curriculum Design and Evaluation from Stanford University, Stanford, California.


  • Master of Arts in Physical Education from Stanford University, Stanford California.


1976     Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Physical Education with a Minor in Biology from Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico.


1972                           High School Teaching Certificate, Kenyatta University





2009 – 2010                Visiting Professor West Texas A& M University


2007 – 2009                External Examiner, University of Dar es Salaam


2005 –Present            Director, International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), Athletics Academy at Kenyatta University

2004- Present:            Associate Professor, Kenyatta University, Department of Exercise, Recreation and Sport Science


1987 – 2003                Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Games, Kenyatta University


2002                            Visiting Lecturer, Kyambogo University, Uganda, Taught and Examined M.Sc. Sport Science Students, Advanced Statistics, One Semester


2000                            Team Leader to Review Mathare Youth Association’s Projects a

Programme Funded by Storomme Foundations of Norway.


  • -1997         Commissioner for Sports – Republic of Kenya.


  •     Chairman, Physical Education and Games Department.

Kenyatta University


  •      Part-time Lecturer in Statistics and Tests & Measurements

in the Department of Physical Education, Kenyatta University


  •       Practicum- Physical Exercise for Alcoholic Patients at

Serenity Lane County Rehabilitation in Eugene, Oregon


  • High School Teaching Certificate, KenyattaUniversity College.



2011                Co-promoter: Yasmin Goodwin, Thesis: The female athlete triad profile of elite Kenyan runners and its future health implications. (Submitted for Examination at North-West University, Potchefstoom, South Africa) (Graduated 2014)


2010                Supervisor, PhD Thesis, Francis Mwangi, Assessment of Lung Capacity and Pulmonary Function Parameters of Kenyan Elite Distance runners During Maximal and Sub-Maximal Endurance Exercise Performance (Graduate December 2013)

2008,               Supervisor PhD, Thesis, Sandra Kasoma, Effects of Regular Physical Activity on Functional Independence of the Elderly in Uganda: The Case of the Bakateyamba Home. (Graduated in 2011).

2007,               Supervisor, PhD Michael Philip Spino, Mental Training of College-Age Kenyan Students. (in Progress)


2007                Supervisor, PhD Thesis, Festus Kiplamai, seasonal variations in

Physical Activity and Dietary Intake in determining the progression of Type (ll Diabetes (T2D) among the Luo Community Living around L. Victoria (Graduated 2011)

2007                Supervisor, PhD Thesis, Gitahi Theuri Assessment of the distribution and Predictors of biochemical cardiovascular disease markers in urban and the pastoral Samburu population; distinguish risk markers for CVD demographic, lifestyle factors, physical activity and dietary habits. (Graduated in 2012).


2006                Supervisor, Ph.D. Thesis, Andanje Mwitsukha, Entitled ” An Analysis of the Certification Processes, Coaching Behaviour and Needs For Kenya’s Athletic Coaches” (Graduated 2006)


2006                Supervisor, PhD Thesis, Vincent Onywera, Entitled “Mitochondria DNA Haplotypes and the African Endurance Athlete: Can Matrilineal Genetics Explain the Dominance of Black African Athletes in International Endurance Athletics (Graduated 2006)


2004                            Internal Examiner: PhD Thesis, Elijah Gitonga Rintaugu

Entitled “Socialization of Secondary School Athletes into Sports

in Kenya” (Graduated)





  • Internal Examiner: Revised Ph.D. Thesis, Wycliffe Wekesa Simiyu Njororai, Entitle, “A Comparative Analysis of Technical and Tactical

Performance of National Soccer Teams of Kenya, Germany and Argentina”. Graduated).


2000                Internal Examiner for Dorothy Waithira Gathege’s M.Ed. Thesis Entitled “Tennis Serve and its Relationship to Performance in Competition: A Study of Selected Matches During the 1997 Kenya National Tennis Championships” (Graduated).


  • Supervisor PhD Thesis, Daniel Muindi’s Entitled, “The Relationship Between Physical Skill and Academic Achievement Among Pupils in Primary Education in Kenya”. (Graduated).


1989                 Internal Examiner for Peter Wanderi’s M.Ed.   Thesis Entitled, “A Study of the Relationships among Kenya Diploma Teacher Trainees’ Academic Performance, Achievement Motivation and Attitudes towards Teacher Education” (Graduated).


  • Internal Examiner for T. Wasonga’s M.Ed. Thesis Entitled, “A Study to establish which of the two Exercise Programs was the Best for Developing Physical Fitness Among School Students” (Graduated).


1988                Supervisor, M.Ed. Thesis for Simiyu Njororai entitled, “A Comparative).Study of Physical Education Learning Resources between Rural and Urban Secondary Schools in Uasin Gishu District”. (Graduated


  • Supervisor for Simon Gathua’s M.Ed. Thesis, Entitled, Problems Challenging “Teachers of Physically Handicapped Children” (Graduated).




2015                Founder ‘Kenyan Leadership Development Program’ (KeLDP). Assist Master Students for Preparation and Application into Masters/PhD Programs locally and abroad. (Target; to assist a minimum of 10 Students annually).


2015                Assisted Ruth Sego, KU Alumni, to gain admission and scholarship to pursue Masters/PhD at Yale University.


2014                Mentored and helped Edwin Boit to gain admission to the University of Hong Kong to study exercise science with specialization in Sports Medicine. He graduated 2015.


2013                Mentored and helped Miriam Kiptui to gain admission to the University of Hong Kong to study exercise science with specialization in Sports Medicine. She graduated 2014.


2009                Worked with the Directors of an NGO, Lillian Boit, KU and Janet Heinonen, of Eugene Oregon, to establish Education and Social Empowerment Program to assist and mentor students locally and abroad and help identify scholarships and admissions to top universities and secure financial aid for the needy students. To date the beneficiaries of this project is over 40 students


2007                Identified Scholarship for Martin Sisa Yauma, KU Alumni, to pursue Masters in Sport Science- with Emphasis in Sports Medicine at the US Sports Academy. He graduated 2015.


2004                Founder ‘Kenya Scholar-Athlete Project’ (KenSAP) to Assist Bright Needy Students with Preparation and Application Process to gain Admission to top Ivy League and Top State Institutions in the US and Canada on Full Financial Aids. To date we have assisted 130 students.



2015                Appointed Patron of the East African Cricket Foundation.

2012                Appointed Vice Chairman of the Board, Mathare Youth Sport Association

2011                Appointed as University Proctor for Martin Sisa Youma, by the United States Sports Academy

2011                Appointed Member of the Advisory Board of MYSA Academy

2009                Appointed member of the Scientific Committee for Careif International meeting on Education, Sport and Culture 2009.

2007                Appointed External Examiner, University of Dar es Salaam, in the Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education, Sport and Culture

2006                Appointed as a Member of the Board of Trustees for Mathare Youth Sports Association.

2005                Appointed Director, International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Athletics Academy at Kenyatta University to serve the Anglophone African Continent.

2004               Appointed by the Kenyan Government to Chair the Stakeholders’ Transitional Committee, a Body Charged with the responsibilities of

Streamlining the Running and Management of the Kenyan National

Football Federation between March and June 2004.

  • Appointed First Chairman, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Kenyatta University. Helped to establish a new Department.

2000                Appointed team leader, to evaluate Mathare Youth Sports Association Programmes, a project funded by the Stromme Foundation of Norway.

1990-1997       Appointed Commissioner for Sports by the Kenyan Government to head the Department of Sports to manage Regional and District Sports Departments and coordinated all Sports Federations on behalf of the Kenyan Government.

1992-1996       Appointed by the Special Olympics as a Member of International Special Olympics Sports Rules Committee, African Representative. The Committee Reviewed and Published Rules for Special Olympics Summer and Winter Games.

1989-1999       Appointed as Member of the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) Athletes’ Commission by the IAAF Council to Represent Anglophone Africa.

1989                Appointed Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the First Inter-University Games Held at Kenyatta University

1989-1990       Appointed Chairman, Department of Physical Education and   Games.




2014                Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, University of Glasgow, Scotland UK. Was awarded, June 18, 2014 for contributions in education, sports and Service to Community.


2013                Honoured by the National Olympic Committee of Kenya among the Olympic and Commonwealth Games Sports Heroes on the occasion of, Kenya at 50 celebrations, at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, on 13th December 2013.


2010                Honoured as Founder Member of Kenya Scholar-Athlete Project (KenSAP) at Poa Place, Eldoret, Kenya on 15th. July 2010.


2010                Founder Member, the Kenyan International Development Study – Canadian Activity Needs (KIDS-CAN) Research Alliance, January 2010


2009                Honoured by the Drake Relays as One of the 10 Male Athletes of the Century Commemorating the 100th Drake Relays Celebrations. April 23, 2009.


2008                Honoured in recognition of Kenyan International Development Study- Canadian Activity Needs (KIDS-CAN) Research Alliance and the partnership between the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and Kenyatta University, November 2008


2006                Distinguished Philanthropist Award, in recognition of outstanding Service to humanity by Bowling Green State University in a 5K. Benefit Run on 22-04-06

  • Honoured by the Special Olympics International for Contributions as Member of the Special Olympics International Rules Committee representing Africa, April 25, 1996


  • Awarded the Order of the Grand Warrior of Kenya, National Honours

in recognition of contribution to Sports and Sports Administration as Commissioner for Sports in the Republic of Kenya.


1989                Indoor World Record in one Mile, Masters Division at the

Meadowlands, New Jersey, USA


1985                Honorary Life Member of the Kenya Athletic Federation


  • Awarded Hall of Honor at Eastern New Mexico University for outstanding Achievements in sports and education.





  • Honorary Life Member of the Zurich Association for Major Track and Field Events, Leichtathletik- Club Zurich, August 22-1984.


  •          Indoor World Record in one Mile, Masters Division at the

Meadowlands, New Jersey, USA


1985                                Honorary Life Member of the Kenya Athletic Federation


1982                                Inducted into the Hall of Fame by the National Associations of Intercollegiate Athletic for Outstanding Achievement as an Athlete, May, 1982

1982                Commonwealth Games Bronze in 1500 Metres at Brisbane,



1981                Ran the Worlds Fastest Mile ever by a Human Being, in a time of 3:27.30 down the Queen Street, Auckland , New Zealand, 1981.


  • Was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Drake Relays.


1981                                Was voted the Kenyan Sports Man of the Year for 1981.


1980                Equaled an Indoor World Record in 880 yards in San Diego, California


1978                Won the Commonwealth Gold Medal, in 800 metres in Edmonton, Canada in 1978.


  • Won a Silver Medal in 800 metres at the World Cup in Athletics, in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1977.


  • Set an African Record in 800 Metres, in a time of 1:43:57 at Berlin, Germany in 1976.


1975                                Was Ranked Number One, in the World, in 800 Metres in 1975.


1974               Won a Silver Medal, in 800 metres, at Commonwealth Games in Christ

Church, New Zealand, 1974.


  • Won a Bronze Medal, in 800 Metres, at the Munich Olympics in Germany, in 1972


Book Chapters:

2010                Vincent Onywera and Michael Boit (2010), Kenyan Runners: Their way of Living.Title of the book: Traditional and Indigenous Games and Sports in Africa. Editors: L.O> Amusa & A.L.Toriola. Publishers: WWW Publishing (PTY) LTD, MOKOPANE, South Africa. ISBN 978-32467-8-1

2009                Onywera VO and Boit MK. East African Runners: Their Genetics, lifestyle and athletic prowess. Medicine and Sport Science 54: 102-109, 2009

2007                Robert A. Scott, William H. Goodwin, Bezabhe Wolde, Vincent O. Onywera, Michael Boit, William O’Connell and Yannis P. Pitsiladis. (2007) Evidence for the ‘Natural’ East African Athlete. In Pitsiladis Y.P., J Bale, C Sharp, T Noakes (Editors) East African Excellence In Distance Running – Nature or Nurture? Routledge Taylor & Francis Group plc.

2006                Boit Michael K, (2006)“Promoting Sport in Africa: An

Opportunity for the East African Community’s Social and Economic Development” In di Cola Giovanni (Editor) Beyond the Scoreboard: Youth Employment Opportunities and Skill Development in the Sports Sector. Published by the Publications Bureau, International Organization Office, UN, and Geneva 2006.


2003                Boit Michael K, Civil Strife in Africa: Seeking Solutions Through Education and Sport Development (a chapter in) “Africa in Search of Development” Ohio University Press.


2000                Lindoe, P., Boit, M. & Musomi, M.           (2001), “Making Dreams

Come True: Sport and Community Development in Mathare Valley

Slums”Forfatterne og Compendius Forlag 2001. Project funded by the Stromme Foundation, November 1st. to 10th. 2000.


1995                Boit, M.K. (1995), The Development of Sports and Sports Facilities.

In the Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book 1995-96. Edited by Martin Macleish and Published by Kensington Publications Ltd. London in Conjunction with the Commonwealth Secretariat pp. 105-107.


1988                Boit M. (1988) Were are the Kenyan Women Runners, New Studies in Athletics. The IAAF Quarterly Magaine for Coaching Information, Technical Research and Bibliographic Documentation. Vol. Three, December 1988 pp 22 – 27.


1987                Boit, M.K.      (1987), Coming of Age in Track and Field. In Sports Hohepunkte, Munich, PP. 101 -102



2012    Boit Michael, “Running for Black Gold: Fifty Years of African Athletics” by Kevin Lillis, Published by Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, ISBN 978-976-637-xxx-x


2005    Jepkorir Rose Chepyator and Mike Boit, “Making African Sports Global”

The Interdisciplinary Electronic Journal of African sports, Introductory Volume, Fall 2005.


2015 – 2016    With the New Human Performance Lab at KU, we want to conduct applied research to study prevalence of cardiovascular diseases with the view to identifying risk factors and to prescribe intervention measures among college staff in Kenya and later to extend to other people considered at risk. A team of researchers headed by Prof. Boit include Dr. Festus Kiplamai, Dr. Gitahi Theuri and Dr. Jane Kamau. We have applied for a research grant of approximately 7 million Kenya Shillings.


2011-2012       Lead researcher, World Anti-Doping Agency Project. ‘Is doping a problem in Kenyan Running: an examination of doping behaviors and anti-doping policies in Kenya.


2010-2011       Team member of collaborative research between Kenyatta University and the University of British Columbia (Canada) to study ‘’Lungs, Genes and Sports for Peace’. In Kenya.



In Press:         Jon B. Rsmussen, David L. Mwaniki, Lydia U Kaduka, Mike K. Boit, Knut Borch-Johnsen, Henrik Friis, Dirk Christensen, Blood Inc Protoporphyrin: a Predictor of Blood Pressure in Rural Kenyans? Journal of Public Health Nutrition (In Press)


2014:               D.L Christensen, D. Faurholt-Jepsen, K.Ferch, D.L Mwaniki, M.K. Boit, B. Kilonzo, I. Tetens, H. Friis, K.Borch-Johnsen, (2014) ‘‘Insulin resistance and beta-cell functions in different ethnic groups in Kenya. The role of abdominal fat distribution”, Acta Diabetologica, 51 (1) 53 – 60


2013                Brian Wilson, Nicolien van Luijk and Mike Boit,(2013) When Celebrity Athletes are ‘Social Movement Entrepreneurs’: A Study of the Role of Elite Runners in Sport fodr Peace Runs in Post-Conflict Kenya, 2008 Review for the Sociology of Sport, 2013 –


2012                D.L Christensen, D. Faurholt-Jepsen, M.K. Boit, D.L. Mwaniki, B. Kilonzo, I. Tetens. FK Kiplamai, S.C. Cheruiyot, H. Friis, K. Borch-Johnsen, NJ Wareham and S. Brage, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity in Luo, Kamba and Maasai of Rural Kenya, American Journal of Human Biology, 24:P723-729 (2012)


2012                Sheel AW, Foster GE, Koehle MS, Dominelli PB, Mwangi F, Onywera VO, Boit MK, Tremblay JC, & Boit CM. Pulmonary gas exchange and the mechanics of breathing during exercise in Kenyan runners. A presentation made at the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual Meeting, Regina, 2012.Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism 37: S34, 2012


2012                Mwangi FM, Onywera VO, Boit MK, Foster GE, Koehle MS, Tremblay, J, Boit CM, and Sheel AW, Pulmonary Function of Kenyan Elite Distance Runners at Rest and During Sub- maximal and Maximal Endurance Exercise. Presented at the 2012 pre-Olympic Games scientific convention, the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS 2012) held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on July 19-24, 2012


2012                D.L. Christensen, D. Faurholt-Jepsen, Boit M.K., D.L. Mwaniki, B. Kilonzo, I. Tetens, F.K. Kiplamai, S.C. Cheruiyot, H. Friis, K. Borch- Johnsen, N.J. Wareham and S.Brage, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity in Luo, Kamba and Maasai of Rural Kenya. American Journal of Human Biology 00:000-000 (2012).


2011                Kristi Bree Adamo, Andrew William Sheel, Vincent Ochieng Onywera, Judith Waud, Boit, Michael Wai-May Wong, Mark Stephen Tremblay, (2011) Comparative Analysis of Adiposity and Fitness Levels among Kenyan and Canadian Children: Is there evidence of a Nutrition and Physical Activity transition in Kenya? International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.


2010                Vincent O. Onywera, Christi B. Adamo, Andrew W. Sheel, Boit, Michael K. Judith N. Waudo, W-M Wong, Mark S. Tremblay, Emerging evidence of physical activity transition in Kenya. The 17th. Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, June 6-8, 2010.


2009                D.L Christensen, H. Friis, DL Mwaniki, B. Kilonzo, I. Tetens, Boit M.K. Omondi, L.Kaduka, K.Borch-Johnsen. Prevalence of glucose intolerance and associated risk factors in rural and urban population of different ethnic groups in Kenya. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practise 84 (2009) 303 – 310


2009                V. Onywera, M. Boit, J. Waudo, M.S. Tremblay, K. Adamo, W. Wong A., Childhood Obesity and physical activity threat in Kenya: The time for action is now! 8th. International Conference on Urban Health, Nairobi, Kenya. 2009


2009                M.S Tremblay, K. Adamo, V. Onywera, A.W. Sheel, Boit, M. J. Waudo, W. Wong. Fitness Levels of Urban versus Rural Kenyan Children: Emerging Evidence of the ‘Physical Activity Transition in Kenya? Presentation at the European Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting (Le Touguet France) 2009


2009                K.B. Adamo, A.W. Sheel, V. Onywera, J. Waudo, Boit, M. W-M Wong, M.S Tremblay, Is there evidence for the nutrition/physical activity transition in Kenya? A KIDS-CAN Research Alliance pilot study. A paper presented on the Canadian National Obesity Submit held on 7-10 May 2009 in Kananaskis, Alberta. 2009.


2009                K.B. Adamo, A.W. Sheel, V. Onywera, J. Waudo, M. Boit, W-M. Wong, M.S. Tremblay Is there evidence on nutrition and physical activity transition in Kenya? A KIDS-CAN Research Alliance pilot study. A paper presented at a conference on the Canadian National Obesity Submit held on 7-10 May 2009 in Kananaskis, Canada


2008                Dirk Christensen, Jeanelle Eis, Andreas W. Hansen, Melenie W. Larsson, David Mwaniki, Beatrice Kilonzo, Inge Tetens, Michael Boit, Lydia Kaduka, Knut Borch-Johnsen, Henrik Friis, Obesity and regional fat ditributions: Impact of ethnicity and urbanization. Annals of Human Biology. Online Publication, 01, March 2008.


2008                Fudge BW, Westerterp KR, Kiplamai FK, Onywera VO, Boit MK, Kayser B, Pitsiladis YP (2008). Evidence of negative energy balance using doubly labeled water in elite Kenyan endurance runners prior to competition. British Journal of Nutrition, 95, 59-66


2008                Yang N, DG MacArthur,B Wolde, VO Onywera, M.K. Boit, SY Mary-Ann Lau, RH Wilson, RA Scott, YP Pitsiladis, Kathryn North (2008). The ACTN3 R577X polymorphism in east and west African athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise. 39 (11):1985-8


2007                Scott R, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Onywera VO, Boit MK, Goodwin WH, Gohlke P, Montgomery H, YP Pitsiladis (2007) No Association between Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) gene variation and endurance athlete status in Kenyans. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. Vol. 141, Issue 2 pp 169-175


2007                Stellingwerff Trent, Boit K. Mike & Peter Res (2007) Nutritional strategies to optimize training and racing in middle –distance athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25 (S1): S17 – S28


2006                Onywera VO, Scott RA, MK Boit, YP Pitsiladis, (2006). Demographic Characteristics of elite Kenyan runners. Journal of Sport Science. Vol. 24, Issue 4 pp 415-422


2006                Fudge BW, Westerterp KR, Kiplamai FK, Onywera VO, Boit M.K, Kayser B. Fitsiladys YP, Evidence of negative energy balance using doubly labeled water in elite Kenyan endurance runners prior to competition. British Journal of Nutrition (2006), 95, 59 – 66


2006                Onywera VO, Scott RA, Boit, Michael and Pitsiladis YP, Demographic characteristics of elite Kenyan endurance runners. Journal of Sports Sciences, April 2006; 24(4): 415 – 422


2006                Scott RA, RH Wilson. W. Goodwin, V. Onywera, M. Boit, YP Pitsiladis, Mitochondrial DNA Lineages and Haplotype Diversity of Elite Kenyan Athletes. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific Meeting, June, 2-5, 2006 in Denver, USA


2005                Scott RA, Moran C, Wilson RH, Onywera VO, Boit MK, Goodwin WH, Gohlke P., Pain J., Montgomery H., Pitsiladis., No association between angiotensin conserving enzyme (ACE) gene variation and endurance athlete status in Kenyans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 141 (2005) 169-175


2005                Fudge B., Westerterp, K, Kiplamai F., Onywera V.O., Boit, M.K. Pitsiladis Y.P. Evidence ofn Negative Energy Balance in Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners During Intense High-altitude Training. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1-4, 2005 in Nashville Tennessee, USA.


2005                Yang, N., Macarthur, Wolde B., Onywera, V.O., Boit, M.K., Wilson R.H., Scott, R,A.,Pitsiladis,Y.P., North K., ACTN3 Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Satus In Ethiopian and Kenyans. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1 – 4, 2005 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.


2005                Onywera, V.O. Scott, R.A., Boit M,K. Pitsiladis Y.P., Demographic Characteristics of Elite Kenya Endurance Runners. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1 – 4, 2005.


2005                Scott R.A., Moran, C., Wilson R.H., Onywera V.O., Boit, M.K., Goodwin W. H., Montgomery H., Pitsiladis, Y.P., ACE Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status in Kenyans. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville Tennessee, USA, June 1 – 4, 2005


2004                Onywera VO, Kiplamai FK, PJ Tuitoek, MK Boit, YP Pitsiladis (2004) Food and macronutrients intake of elite Kenya distance runners. International Journal of Sports Nutrition 14: 709-719


2004                Pitsiladis YP, Onywera VO, Geogiades E, O’Connell W, MK Boit (2004) The dominance of Kenyan distance running. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology . 1(4): 285-291


2004                Pitsiladis YP, Onywera VO, Geogiades E, O’Connell W, Boit MK (2004) The dominance of Kenyans in distance running. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 1(4): 285-291.


2004                Onywera VO, Kiplamai FK, Tuitoek PJ, Boit MK and Pitsiladis YP, Food and macronutrient intake of elite Kenyan distance runners. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolis, 2004, 14, 709 – 719.


2004                Pitsiladis YP, Onywera O’Connell William, Geiogiades E and Boit Michael, (2004) The dominance of Kenyans in international endurance athletics. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 1 (4); 285 -291


Publications (abstracts)

  1. Scott RA, RH Wilson, W Goodwin, V Onywera, M Boit, YP Pitsiladis. Mitochondrial DNA Lineages and Haplotype Diversity of Elite Kenyan Athletes. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, June 2006.


  1. Onywera, V.O., Scott, R.A., Boit, M.K., Pitsiladis, Y.P. Demographic Characteristics Of Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1-4, 2005.


  1. Fudge, B., Westerterp, K, Kiplamai, F., Onywera, V.O., Boit, M.K., Pitsiladis, Y.P. Evidence Of Negative Energy Balance In Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners During Intense High-altitude Training. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1-4, 2005.


  1. Scott, R.A., Moran, C., Wilson, R.H., Onywera, V.O., Boit, M.K., Goodwin, W.H., Montgomery, H., Pitsiladis, Y.P. ACE Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status in Kenyans. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1-4, 2005.


  1. Yang, N., Macarthur, Wolde B., Onywera, V.O., Boit, M.K., Wilson, R.H., Scott, R.A., Boit, M.K., Pitsiladis, Y.P., North, K. ACTN3 Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status In Ethiopians And Kenyans. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1-4, 2005.



2008    Boit, M.K. Coordinated an IAAF Diploma Course on Coaching Development Director. Kenyatta University Conference Centre.


2007    Boit, M.K. Coordinated an IAAF Diploma course on Elite Coaches, at KenyattaUniversity Conference Centre.


2007    Boit, M.K. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee for a Public Lecture at Kenyatta University whose team was “Sport Science, Past, Present and Future.


2007    Boit, M.K. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the International Athletics Symposium, Mombasa, held during the World Cross-Country Championships in March, 2007.


2006    Boit, M.K. Presented a proposal on the Creation of a Sport Complex at a Workshop Organized by the Institute for Research & Development held at the Utalii Hotel, September 1-2, 2006.


2006    Boit, M.K. Course coordinator, IAAF Chief Coaches Course for the Anglophone African countries at Kenyatta University June 4, to June 17, 2006


2003   Boit, M.K. Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the International Athletics

Seminar hosted by Kenyatta University February 2003


2003    Boit, M.K. ‘The Relationships Between Success in Sports and Academic Achievement’ A Paper Presented at a Workshop for Physical Education Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools at Kenyatta University, May 19th. – 20th. 2003.





2012    Boit M.K, Role Models in Sports and beyond, paper presented at the 8th International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Conference on Sport, Culture and Education, Amsterdam, 25-27 November, 2012


2012    Boit M. K, Physical Fitness and it’s Role in the Mental Aging Process, a Paper Presented at an International Conference on Brain Aging and Dementia in Developing Countries, Held at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya on 4th to 7th

December 2012.


2010    Vincent Onywera, Kristi B. Adamo, Andrew W. Sheel, Boit, Michael K. Judith N. Waudo,W-M Wong, Mark S. Tremblay, Emerging evidence of the physical activity transition in Kenya. The 17th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya June 6-8, 2010

2009    V. Onywera, Boit, M. J. Waudo, M.S Tremblay, K. Adamo, W.Wong A, Childhood obesity and physical inactivity threat in Kenya: The time for action is now! The 8th International Conference on Urban Health, Nairobi, Kenya 2009.


2009    K.B. Adamo, A.W. Sheel, V.Onywera, J. Waudo, Boit, M. W-M Wong, M.S Tremblay, Is there evidence for the Nutrition/Physical Activity Transition in Kenya? A KIDS-CAN Research Alliance-pilot study. Canadian Obesity Networks- National Obesity Submit held in May in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, 2009


2009    M.S. Tremblay, K. Adamo, V. Onywera, A.W. Sheel, Boit, M. J. Waudo, W. Wong, Fitness Levels of Urban versus Rural Kenyan Children: Emerging Evidence of the Physical Activity Transition? Presentation at the European Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting (Le Touquet, France, 2009


2009    V. Onywera, Boit, M. J. Waudo, M.S, Tremblay, K. Adamo W. Wong A Childhood obesity and physical inactivity threat in Kenya: The time for action is now! 8th International Conference on Urban Health, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009


2009    MS Tremblay, K. Adamo, V. Onywera, A.W. Sheel, Boit, M. J. Waudo, W.Wong, Fitness Levels of versus Rural Kenyan Children; Emerging Evidence of the Physical Activity Transition? Prensentation at the European Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting (Le Touguet France) 2009


2007    Mark S. Tremblay, Kristi Adamo Vincent Onywera, Bill Sheel, Boit Mike and Judith Waudo, Kenyan International Study- Canadian Activity Needs Research Alliance. A paper presented at on the Conference on childhood obesity and physical activity held on June 24th – 27th. 2007 in Toronto, Canada.


2007    Mark S. Tremblay, Kristi Adamo, Vincent Onywera, Bill Sheel, Boit Mike and Judith Waudo, Kenya International Study- Canadian Activity Needs Research Alliance pilot study. A paper presented at the conference on childhood obesity and physical activity held on June 24th – 27th, 2007 in Toronto, Canada.


2005    Onywera, V.O., Scott, RA. Boit M.K., Pitsiladis Y.P., Demographic Characteristics of Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1-4, 2005, in Nashville Tennessee, USA


2005    Yang, N., Macarthur, Wolde B., Onywera V.O. Boit M.K., Wilson H.R., Scott, R.A., Pitsiladis, Y.P., North K, ACTN3 Genotype Is Not Associated with Elite Endurance Athlete Status in Ethiopians and Kenyans. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1-4, 2005, in Nashville Tennessee, USA.


2005    Fudge, B., Westerterp, K., Kiplamai F., Onywera V.O., Boit M.K., Pitsiladis, Y.P. Evidence of Negative Energy Balance in Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners During Intense High-Altitude Training. A Paper Presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1-4, 2005 in Nashville Tennessee, USA.


2005    Scott, R.A., Moran, C., Wilson, R.H., Onywera, V.O, Boit, M.K. Goodwin, W.H., Montgomery, H., Pitsiladis, YP, ACE Genotype is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status in Kenyans. A paper presented during the ACSM Scientific meeting, June 1-4, 2005, in Nashville Tennessee, USA.


Boit, M.K.                  (2003), ‘The Relationships Between Success in Sports and Academic Achievement’ A Paper Presented at a Workshop for Physical Education Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools at

                                    Kenyatta University, May 19th. – 20th. 2003.


Boit, M.K.                  (2001), “The Impact of the East African Regional Cooperation on Sport and Physical Education Development,” A Paper Presented at the First Regional Conference on Sport and Physical Education for Greater Cooperation in East Africa. Hosted by Makerere University in Collaboration With Kyamboko University, Kampala, Uganda, December 13 – 16, 2001.


Boit, M.K                   (2001), “Physiological Aspects of Performance Enhancement,” A Paper Presented at the Official Opening of the 3rd. One-Day International Conference on Genes and Sport. Organized by the Institute of Sports Medicine in Conjunction with the School of Human Health and Performance, University College London. November 30th. 2001


Boit, M.K                   (2001), “Civil Strife in Africa: The Role of Higher

Education and Sport”, A Paper Presented at an International  Conference on Transformation of Higher Education Management and Leadership for Efficacy in Africa. Hosted by Kenyatta University, November 12-16 -2001.


Boit, M.K.                  (2000), “Using Sports in National Development”, A Paper Presented at “PLAY THE GAME” Conference in Copenhagen Denmark 11th. to 16th. November 2000.


Boit, M.K.                  (1998), Sports Performance Enhancement: Physiological Cultural Aspects –the Kenyan Case”, A Paper Presented At the Peak Performance Symposium in Preparation for The Sydney Olympic 2000 at Life University, Marietta, Georgia, March18th. to April 1st. 1998.


Boit, M.K.                  (1998), “High Altitude Training: Assessment of its Potential to Enhance Sports Performance” , A PaperPrepared for Graduate Studies, Sports Health Science, Life University, Marietta, Georgia, Fall term of 1998.


Boit, M. K.                 (1997), “Performance in Physical Activities as a Means to Enhance Health Standards”, A Paper Presented at the African Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance at the 3rd. Scientific Congress at Kenyatta University, September 11th. to 15th.1997.


Boit, M.K.                  (1997), “The Plight of Elite Athletes”, A Paper Presented At the African Association for Health Physical Education recreation, Sport and Dance at the 3rd Scientific Congress at Kenyatta University form September 11-15, 1997.


Boit, M.K.                  (1996), “Sports in the Modern Era”, A Paper Presented at Second International Sports Symposium Organized by The National Olympic Committee of Israel in Conjunction with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held at the Wingate Sports Institute, Israel, December 28 -30, 1996.


Boit, M.K.                  (1996), “Bio-mechanics of Sports and Dietary Requirement for Endurance Activity”, A Paper Presented at the Top Level Sports Symposium Organized by the National Olympic Committee of Kenya in Conjunction With the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held at Nairobi, December 5th. to 6th. 1996.


Boit, M.K.                  (1995), The Development of Sports and Sports Facilities.         In the Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book 1995-96. Edited by Martin Macleish and Published by Kensington Publications Ltd. London in Conjunction with the Commonwealth Secretariat pp. 105-107.


Boit, M.K.                  (1995), “Drug Abuse”, A Paper Presented at a Seminar Sponsored by the Royal Dutch Embassy at Fairview Hotel, Nairobi, November 30th. 1995.


Boit, M.K.                  (1993), “Scouting for Talent in Sport”, A Paper Presented at the National Conference on Sports at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani, October 7-8, 1993


Boit, M.K.                  (1990), “The Development of Distance Runners in Kenya”, The Proceedings of the Ninth Middle East Sport Science Symposium. Sponsored by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Medical Commission, British Aerospace, Department of Sports and Leisure Development, the British Council and the Bahrain Sports Medicine Association. Bahrain, February 20-22, 1990.


Boit, M.K.                  (1989), “What is and What Ought to be the Role of Mass Media in Education of Young People in Developing Africa”, A Paper Submitted to the Kenyan Journal of Education.


Boit, M.K.                  (1989), “Developing Sports in Africa”, A Paper Presented at the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) Athletes’ Commission. Barcelona, Spain, September 3rd. 1989.


Boit, M.K.                  (1989), Women on the Run. Weekly Athletics Today,

                                    London, U.K. Vol. 3 No. pp.24-27


Boit, M.K.                  (1988), Where are the Kenyan Women Runners? The IAAF Quarterly Magazine on Coaching Information, Technical Research, Bibliographic Documentation, New Studies in Athletics. December 1988 Issue, pp.24 -27


Boit, M.K.                  (1988), Track Scholarships: The Pros and Cons. Kenyatta University News, the sixth issue, October 1988.


Boit, M.K.                  (1987), Why Kenya has not Produced a World Class Female Runner. In CBS Magazine – The Runner, NewYork, January 1987 pp.6-7.


Boit, M.K.                  (1985), “Enculturation of the Nandi Youth” A Paper Presented to Qualitative Research and Education Anthropology Class at the University of Oregon, Winter Term of 1985.


Boit, M.K.                  (1984), “About Content Analysis”. A Paper Presented to Qualitative Research in Education Class, School of Education, University of Oregon.


She is a scholar.
A council member to a number of Universities.
A church elder
A role model.
An administrator

Born on 12th November 1944


1975                 – Vice-Chairman, Kenya Amateur Athletics Association 1976-1986 – Secretary General, Kenya Amateur Athletics Association 1977-1996            – Secretary/Treasurer, East Africa Athletic Board

1987-1989        – Vice-Chairman, Kenya Amateur Athletics Association

1976-1987        – Member, IAAF Techical Committee

1992-2015        – President, Athletics Kenya

1999- to date – Council Member, IAAF




2007                 Successful hosting of the World Cross Country Championships In Kenya

2010                 spearheaded the Africa Athletics Championship in Kenya

Through his Leadership, Athletics Kenya won the coveted SOYA award, for being the best sports federation/association of the year

2011                 Awarded the Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) by the then President of the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Mwai Kibaki, for his outstanding and distinguished services he had rendered to the nation in his various ca pacities and responsibilities.

2014                 Successful bidding of the World Youth Championship to Nairobi in 2017


He is the co-founder of Ndalat Gaa Marathon the biggest ever marathon in Nandi County.

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