Nandi County Assembly on Tuesday approved a Sh 6 billion budget for the 2015/2016 financial year. The budget was tabled by Finance Executive Charles Muge and later debated upon and passed by MCAs in a rigorous session. Kshs 5.1 billion of these funds will be received from the national government transfer, where the county expects to top up the budget with a Kshs 255 million revenue collection, Kshs 430 million unspent revenue from the 2014/2015 financial year and a grant from DANIDA. Development has been allocated 50.6 per cent of the total budget set at Kshs 3 billion. Of this amount, roads take up approximately Kshs 606 million. Health was awarded Kshs 517million where Kshs 230 million will go towards supply of drugs while Agriculture has been allocated Kshs155 million. The County Assembly will receive Kshs 524 million for recurrent expenditures, and an extra Kshs 110 million for the County Assembly development budget. Kshs 165 million has been set aside for the expenditures of County Executives. Planned developments in different dockets include completion of Governor’s office and residence. The County Assembly plans to build the speaker’s residence, assembly offices and a new perimeter wall. Devolved units has plans for the construction of six sub county and 25 ward offices, acquisition of a fire fighting machine, construction of county treasury offices, completion of entry gate at Mlango among other plans. The health sector has budgeted to construct an Medical Training Centre(MTC) and to build a mortuary at Nandi Hills Sub County Hospital. Youth, Sports and Gender has budgeted to continue the construction of Kipchoge Keino Stadium while the Roads docket plans to open up more roads through construction of feeder roads and to acquire graders and a dozer. CEC ICT and Finance Hon Charles Muge said the budget may be strained by restructuring of the county and hiring of new staff.
04 Jul