The National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP), is a five year development project initiated by the Government of Kenya and supported by the World Bank, implemented by County Governments. Nandi is among 21 counties implementing the project whose objective is to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of rural communities in targeted counties, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. Already farmers have been mobilized to form Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (VMGs) along four selected priority value-chains namely Dairy, Irish Potato, Poultry and Avocado.
This development objective will be operationalized through four (4) project components
Component 1:
Supporting Community-Driven Development (CDD).
This component will involve supporting community level institutions to identify and implement investments that improve their agricultural productivity, food security and nutritional status; and, linkages to selected value chains (VCs) and Producer Organizations (POs).
Component 3:
Supporting County Community-Led Development.
This component will involve strengthening the capacity of county governments to support community-led development initiatives identified under Components 1 and 2.
Component 2:
Strengthening Producer Organizations and Value Chain Development.
This component will involve strengthening POs and improving market access for smallholder producers in targeted rural communities.
Component 4:
Project Coordination and Management.
This component will involve financing of activities related to the national and county-level project coordination, including planning,
fiduciary, human resource management, safeguards compliance and monitoring, Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Management Information System (MIS) and Information Communication Technology (ICT) development, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), impact evaluation, communication and citizen engagement. In addition, in the event of a national disaster affecting the agricultural sector, the project through this component would finance emergency responses.