Blog Post

05 Sep
By: Remmy Butia 0 0

H.E the Governor Hon. Stephen K. Sang sets Thursday 7th as swearing in date for MCAs

By Nandi Governor’s Press Service

Nandi County Governor Stephen Sang has appointed next week,Thursday 7th of September 2017, as the first sitting of the Nandi County Assembly.

The legal notice was published on Tuesday just hours after Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission(IEBC) gazetted the list of nominated MCAs.

“Pursuant to Standing Order No.3(1) and 27 0f the Nandi County Assembly Standing Orders, it is notified for the information of the Members of County Assembly and the general public that I, Stephen Kipyego Sang, the Governor of Nandi County, appoint the first sitting of the Second County Assembly shall be held at the Nandi County Assembly Chambers on Thursday 7th, September 2017 at 9 a.m,”read the legal notice.

This is in accordance with the constitution which allows the Governor to gazette the date when the assembly will hold its first sitting.

The administration of oath to the members of county assembly shall done following the alphabetical oder.

Immediately after their swearing in the MCAs will proceed to elect the Assemby Speaker. The the voting for the speaker will conducted by 30 elected MCAs and the 9 nominated members.

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