Blog Post

03 Nov
By: Remmy Butia 0

Kapsabet Municipality Integrated Development Plan (IDeP)


Kapsabet Municipality Integrated Development Plan (IDeP) is a comprehensive blue print that will guide the Municipality and development partners in development engagement for the realization of social economic transformation of the residents.
The IDeP complies with the constitutional requirement for public involvement in policy formulation. It therefore contains inputs from Wards, Locations and sublocations residents and professionals including those in other urban centers. It summarizes details, plans and the projects as identified by the local people to address specific and strongly expressed issues and challenges during the municipality community public participation meetings. This IDeP is addressed based on the following sectors: Agriculture, Water Services; Health and Sanitation Services
Sector; Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Sector; Public Service, decentralized Services and Disaster Management Sector; Tourism, Trade and Industry Sector; Roads, Housing and Education Sector.

The development plan identifies and focuses on a number of flagship projects which are expected to drive the Municipality socio-economic transformation so as to accelerate the realization of quality and equitable development for the people of the municipality.

Special thanks go to the overall County Leadership under the stewardship of H.E Governor Stephen Sang who was instrumental in supporting and delivering this ambitious Kapsabet Municipality IDeP in collaboration with JKUAT Enterprises led by the Managing Director Dr. Winfred Karugu, Team Leader Mr. Juma Wagoki and the
entire technical team who tirelessly worked on development of this plan in line with municipality priorities, community priorities, Kenya 2010 constitution and the longterm objective of vision 2030 in its aspiration to become a vibrant and prosperous Municipality.

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