Blog Post

11 Oct
By: Remmy Butia 0 0


The 2017 Nandi County Fiscal Strategy Paper (NCFSP) points to the continued implementation of the CIDP (2013-2017), ADP 2017/2018, County Governments Act and PFM Act that are the guiding structures for transformation and economic prosperity in the County.

The county’s economic performance is largely dependent on the formulation and implementation of prudent policies to guide allocation of resources to priority areas for enhanced service delivery.To a larger extent, the resources available for the county’s budgetary execution depend on the country’s economic performance which is influenced by developments and economic trends in the global economy.

The implementation of the devolution agenda is expected to raise efficiency and productivity in the County thereby sustaining growth. This will create opportunities for productive jobs for residents and visitors. This CFSP therefore, reiterates the ongoing County’s priority projects, programmes and structural transformation measures to be implemented during the period FY 2017/2018 and in the medium term.

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