Department of Roads, Transport and Infrastructure takes pride in fulfilling the mandate bestowed upon it by the governor of Nandi County. This department forms the basis of all other departments in the county, its core activity is to develop, construct and maintain the road network in the county as per the Kenya Roads Act, 2007. The scope of the rural road network was revised via the Kenya Gazette Legislative Supplement No. 4 (Special Edition) of 22nd January 2016. Since the inception of devolution the county has seen expansion of road network, successive government has overseen great progress in the development of the rural road network with the current contracted road works covering the entire Nandi County.
His. Excellency Governor Sang Manifesto, aims at making Nandi a great county that is admired globally, a county that provides high quality of life for all its residents within the next five years and beyond. Under the strategy period the economy is projected to grow steadily. To realize this growth, an efficient road network is a key enabler towards the growth of the key sectors of the economy identified under his manifesto. Presently, the National Government has committed to construct 200km of roads in Nandi County under the Low Volume Seal Roads (LVSR) Programme, whose implementation is underway. Consequently, a sustained effort continues unabated on the part of the County Government to ensure the efficient attainment of these strategic goals.
The Department continues to actively oversight the activities aimed at increasing and sustaining the governor’s achievements to meet the ever increasing road needs especially during the rainy season that renders most of our roads impassable. The Department remains committed to strengthening relationships with its stakeholders and key partners. Strong corporate governance continues to be integral to the department’s long-term success and is essential in delivering the government strategy.
By the year 2020, we intend to introduce asphalt in our main feeder roads, eventually we shall roll out the asphalt in most part of the county.
On behalf of department of roads, transport and infrastructure, Management and Staff, I express my sincere gratitude to the Government of Kenya, County Government of Nandi, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, related Road Agencies, residents of Nandi County, and other stakeholders for their continued support. This goes a long way towards building a solid institution that is responsive to its mandate and stakeholders’ expectations. It is our undertaking as a government that we shall endeavor to achieve stakeholder expectations and even surpass them where possible.
Thank you.